Fireworks [Edited]

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Gazing at her stomach he watched amused as a little foot pressed against it. Making a tiny indentation. He knew that it couldn't be comfortable for Kyla but she never complained. Before leaving their room he bent down and pressed a kiss against her smooth coco butter scented tummy. He laughed afterwards because he felt a small hand push against his puckered lips. It amazed him that four little people were concooned in his mate's body.

Standing at the opened door with a smile on his face he watched Kyla sleep. She didn't move once while he kissed her. His mate truly amazed him at times. The thought of crawling back into their bed was tempting. He wanted to replace his pillow but he didn't have the time.

Closing the door he finally left but he was taking the image of his family with him. Being Alpha wasn't a weekend job. It was a full time job. There was a lot of wolves and people who depend on him. Being alpha isn't a lifestyle choice it is a long-term commitment. Just like the commitment that he was going to make to Kyla and their pups.

She was his heart and his soul. Truthfully she made him a better man and he loved her for that. She was the missing piece to a seemingly finished puzzle. She fit into his life perfectly and blended into his world. It warmed his heart that his mate got along with his parents. Then again his parents were easy going people. It took some minor adjustments but the pack embraced his mate. She even became friends with a few of the other women. They gave her advice about pups and all that other stuff.

He was tired but also excited. He spent the whole day making phone calls. There were a few last minute decisions to make and he checked to see that everything he requested was done. He had it all planned out and tonight was about them. He was finally going to get her alone.

Things were so hectic that he couldn't take her on a real date. At night or a few stollen moments were all they had lately. After that first week they spent holed up in their room it was back to business as usual. Tonight was going to be different. It was all about Kyla and Rafe. No one else mattered.

Tugging on the collar of his black dress shirt he stood beside his car. It was a shiny brand new all black Hummer. Looking in the mirror he stared at his reflection. His hair was a little messy but it looked alright. He wore a tailored all black suit with white around the lapels paired with a white and black handkerchief in his breast pocket and a pair of fresh all black vans on his feet. He loved sneakers. Patting the pocket of his pants he could feel the outline of the ring box.

He was honored that his mother gave him his great grandmother's wedding ring. It was beautiful and he was sure that his baby would love it. He took it to the jewelers and had the stone replaced. Before going he slipped one of Kyla's other rings out of her jewelry box. He wanted the size to be perfect.

He replaced the original opal with a diamond. He gave instructions for the original gem to be made into a pendant for a necklace. Earlier that day he gave the necklace and pendant to his mom. The look on her face was priceless. He told her that now she will always have a piece of her grandmother with her.

At first he was concerned when she started to cry. Her hazel eyes were full of emotion as she assured him that they were only tears of joy. He held her close and rubbed her back as she cried. Her smooth brown fingers ruffled through his hair like they used to when he was a boy. He listened contently as she called him her perfect son in Spanish.

Laughing he teased her that his little brother might get jealous. She laughed with him and called him a wise guy. As he held his mother he realized that she was the first woman that he ever loved. Before he found Kyla she was the most important woman in his life. She was still important to him but she was no longer the number one woman in his life.

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