The beginning of the end

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There had been something different about him that day, he seemed to have a different smile, a different laugh, however his eyes were still the same shade of brown.

"John, come over tonight." He stated in more of an order than a request.

"I'm throwing a party, and I'd love if you came" he smiled. John only nodded and smiled back. He got up then and payed for his drink.

"It starts at nine," he winked. Again, John nodded watched as he left, and payed for his own drink. He hurried to his house to get ready seeing that it was already seven forty-three. He didn't live that far from the pub and was quick to get home. He rushed into the shower, singing a song he had heard earlier that day. Suddenly the phone rang, he turned off the water and went to it.

"Hello?" John asked hearing someone crying on the other side.

"Oh John darling, it's terrible" the hysterical man cried.

"What's happened Fred," he asked sympathetically.

"It's Jim, h-he's" he paused.

"Could you just come over" he sobbed.

"I'm on my way," John said, his heart was pounding, as he shakily put down the phone. He hurried to his room, threw on some clothes and was out the door. Freddie's house was decently far, but John didn't think about that; he just started to run. He remembered the first time he met Jim it would never leave his mind.

“Hey Fred I just…”John paused, entering the room. His cheeks turned a dark shade of red, as he saw Freddie on all fours his eyes closed tightly and mouth hung open as Jim thrusted into him, harshly pulling his hair. He turned to see John standing at them, he only smirked as the sweat trickled down his forehead.

“Oh God Jim, just like that” he whimpered out, his hands gripped the bedspread with full force as he bit down on his bottom lip.

“That’s right baby boy come for Daddy” he grunted. John’s hand shook as it searched for the door knob, though he couldn’t remove his eyes from the bashful scene. Suddenly Freddie turned and saw John he quickly stopped what they were doing, practically flying away from Jim.

“Jesus how long have you been standing there darling’ Freddie stated breathlessly, covering himself, though Jim stood very proud.

“”I-i” he stuttered his words.

“He wanted to see you get fucked, little perv” Jim stated lighting a cigarette. John ran out after that tear streaming down his cheeks; that feeling of guilt would never leave him. When he finally made it to the door he was panting trying to catch each breath that slipped away. He knocked and tried to calm himself. Freddie opened the door.

"Jesus darling did you run a marathon?" he laughed, John looked up to see the man had red puffy eyes from crying.

"You could say that" John laughed breathlessly. He let him in and led him into the living room.

"Would you like something to drink darling" Freddie asked.

"Yes please" John smiled. After a couple minutes Freddie came back with a tray, holding two cups of tea.

"So what happened, where's Jim?" John asked taking a sip, and looking around.

"Well, I come home to find all my Jack bottles empty, my other liquor is fine; he'd never touch my other stuff" he paused, taking a sip as well.

"So yeah I come home to find it all gone, and Jim a drunken mess, he starts cussing at me and calling me names, so I tell him, Jim darling you’re drunk, go sleep it off" he laughed sadly.

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