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General POV:

Millie and Finn hadn't spoken in a week, Finn had a new phone because his broke and he didn't remember her number. Millie felt like she'd done something wrong , she'd tried too call and he never answered. She would often text but not expect a reply and in the end she gave up. Her mum would ask if she got an answer and he answer would always be no. Finn felt horrible , he had no way of contacting her because they hadn't told each other their social media names. Millie had tried but failed. She thought he hated her but in reality , he wanted her back. As a friend. As a best friend.

"Any answer from-" Millie's mum started.

"No mum stop asking he's not going to answer me. He hates me and I don't know why" she sighed. "I'm done" she rolled her eyes.

"Millie im sorry" she sighed. And then that's when they heard it , the call they'd been waiting for. After almost two months they heard a noise coming from the laptop.

"ITS SKYPE!" Millie exclaimed opening he laptop.

"ITS THEM!" Her mum screamed. "Ok , be cool" she added sitting down calmly and pressing accept.

"Hi!" The duffer brothers said.

"Hello!" Millie replied , very happily.

"We would like to inform you , millie bobby brown that you , have been casted for the part of eleven!" Ross exclaimed. She screeched and hugged her mum out of excitement.

"But there's one thing" Matt said , as if it was bad news. Millie's mums face dropped.

"Say it" Millie said with her head hanging low.

"We're going to need you to uh-s-shave your head" Ross said scratching the back of his neck.

Millie's POV:

My jaw dropped and so did my mum's. SHAVE MY HEAD?!

"Are you serious?" I nervously chuckled.

"It's for the character , see eleven is being kept in this lab being used for experiments and the only way they can do the experiments is if you have no hair , well a buzz cut anyway." Matt explained. My mum turned to me.

"You can't do this millie." She whispered.

"Mum. I -I want too" I sighed "this role is a big role and I'm willing to do anything to do what I dream of" I smiled lightly.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Mum" I said grabbing her hand. "I'm one hundred percent sure" I chuckled. My mum turned to the laptop.

"We'll do it" she sighed. Matt and Ross smiled.

"That's great! Time to tell the rest of the cast the good news! We will send you the details through text , because your number is in the application form. Congratulations millie, we're looking forward to working with you" they smiled ending the call. I screamed. I needed to tell Finn. My mum screamed jumping up and down.

"I have to tell Finn!" I announced then realising. I couldn't. I sighed. Paige and the rest of the family came downstairs.

"What's going on?" Paige asked.

"I GOT THE PART!" I shouted as we all started to celebrate. If Finn didn't want to talk to me , I didn't care. He could just fuck off at this point. He'll see me in my acting career wishing he never left me but hey , everyone makes mistakes. And being friends with him, was one.

Finns POV:

She one hundred percent , most definitely hates me. I can't even explain to her. I wish I could. I can't wait for this show to air to see her in it because Im 100% sure she will be getting the part. She's amazing.

General POV:

Finn heard his laptop making a weird sound from the other room and his mother screaming.

"FINN! HERE! NOW!" She shouted excitedly. He ran into the next room as his mother answered the Skype call that was coming through. Finn sat down and smiled.

"Hi!" The duffer brothers grinned.

"H-hi!" Finn said in disbelief. His mom just waved whilst smiling.

"Congratulations Finn Wolfhard we've decided to cast you as mike!" They congratulated him.

"REALLY?!" He was ecstatic.

"Thank you!" His mom thanked The duffer brothers. Finns face soon dropped.

"Wait...do you know who's playing eleven?" He asked.

"Uh-yes we do. We just told her the good news." Ross smiled.

"Who is she?" Finn asked.

"Just wait and see. You'll find out in Atlanta" Matt chuckled.

"ATLANTA! This keeps on getting better and better!" He screeched. Ross looked at Matt with wide eyes.

"What?" Matt laughed.

"We forgot to tell her it's in Atlanta" Ross turned red.

"It's fine we'll just tell her in the text" Matt replied. Ross shrugged.

"I guess we'll have too" He laughed.

"Anyway Finn , we will text your mom the details about when and where it's happening. We're sorting flights and accommodation so no need to worry about anything apart from clothing etc." Ross explained.

"We forgot to tell her that too" Matt facepalmed. Ross just giggled.

"Oh well. Anyway congratulations Finn we're excited to work with you!" They said ending the call.

"I GOT THE PART!!!" He screamed.

"What?" His dad came downstairs.

"I GOT THE PART AS MIKE!" He shouted again.

"Congrats bud" his dad said scuffing up his hair.

"Wait you actually got it?" Nick laughed.

"Yes he did" his mom said getting up smiling.

"Gaaayyyyyy" nick shouted walking into the kitchen.

"It's not gay nick! He's going to be successful unlike you" his mom rolled her eyes.

"Gay porn isn't successful mom. He's not getting anywhere." He replied. Finn rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Whatever" He chuckled. His mom and dad embraced him in a tight hug, for the first time in a long time.

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