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Finn's POV:

I sat at my desk , staring at my MacBook clueless as too what the questions on my laptop meant.


Millie ❤️: yes I've been done for ages 😂

Finn: I'm doing schoolwork 😕

Millie ❤️: me too , I got home about 40 mins ago and I REALLY can't be bothered


Millie ❤️: oh he just told me that I was one of the best student he's ever had and that I might be auditioNING FOR A SHOW


Millie❤️: I KNOW!! and wtf was that? Eheidjskskw


Millie❤️: I'm honestly so happyyyyy

Finn: I'm so excited for you!

Millie❤️: Finn.

Finn: hm?

Millie❤️: i want to know what you look like 🙂

Finn: I want to know what you look like too. 🙂

Millie❤️: well , we will have to wait and see what the future holds 🤷🏼‍♀️

Finn:😑😑 fine then , can we at least have a phone call?

Millie ❤️ is calling
Accept Decline

I pressed accept

"AH YOURE REAL!" She squealed. I laughed.

"Yeah I'm real!" I chuckled. "Why did you doubt I was real?" I asked giggling.

"Incase you were a creep" she chuckled shrugging. Her accent sounded amazing. I could listen too it all day.

"I'm very real and very tired" I laughed.

"Uh it's like mid-day" she pointed out raising one eyebrow.

"One fact you should know about me is that I'm always tired and always hungry." I smiled sarcastically.

"No need for such sarcasm" she laughed.

"You laugh a lot don't you?" I smiled.

"I CANNOT NOT LAUGH" she laughed

"Anyway , how are you??" I lightly giggled.

"Great! Amazing actually" she sarcastically smiled.

"No need for such sarcasm miss Millie the milster" I said sitting back in my chair. She face palmed.

"Whyyy" She laughed. "I'm about to die from the cringe" she chuckled.

"Please dont" I laughed.

"Millieeeeeee" a little girl came running into Millie's room.

"Yes Ava" she sighed.

"Who are you talking to?" She asked climbing on Millie's bed.

"My friend , finn" she smiled.

"Your boyfriend?" She asked. I laughed.

"No" we said in sync.

"This is my sister Ava by the way" Millie laughed.

"Hi Ava" I smiled.

"Look millie I don't have time for this. Is he your boyfriend!" She shouted. We both burst out laughing soon in tears because of what she had just said.

"D-did you j-just say you didn't have t-time for this?!" Millie cried laughing. She was adorable.

"Oh my god" I cried. "She's adorable" I laughed.

"Yeah she's....something" Millie said emphasising the something. I couldn't stop smiling at her. Her sister eventually left rolling her eyes and slamming the door causing us too laugh again.

"I feel like I've known you for ages but at the same time I feel like we've just met....it's crazy I know" I sighed.

"No! I completely understand what you mean....I'm just so casual around you as if I've known you for months but yet..... I feel like we met 5 minutes ago" she lightly smiled looking down. She was so adorable.

"Also I'd LOVE to add that your accent sounds so much more British than I was expecting and I love it" I chuckled.

"And I love your Canadian accent" I could tell she was smiling by the sound of her voice.

" I can tell you're smiling. You're making me smile too" I smiled to myself.

"Finn! This is getting so mushy and I'm blushing" she laughed.

"I'll stop" I surrendered "so did your teacher say anything about the tv show?" I asked. I heard her breathing hitch. "What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"What if I don't get the part? I'm a terrible actress" she started to panic.

"Millie no you aren't. Calm down. I promise you you're going to get this part ok?" I smiled reassuringly.

"Thanks. But you honestly have no idea how bad my acting skills are." She sighed.

"Can't wait to say the phrase 'I told you so' right to your face" I sarcastically smiled. She just chuckled and to my guess she was probably rolling her eyes.

"Anyway , I need to get my mind off of this. So , let's get to know each other!" She smiled.

"Ok" I Agreed.

"Ok.... soooo finn. What is your full name?" She asked.

"Finn wolfhard." I grunted. "Before you say anything I know it's 'unusual' as people say" I chuckled "what about yours?" I asked.

"No , I like it. It's unique and it sounds cool." She said enthusiastically "my full name is Millie Bobby Brown" she smiled widely "it's quite fun to say quickly over and over again , kind of like a tongue twister but like...not really?" She laughed. I facepalmed and laughed.

"Love it" I smiled.

"So Mr.Wolfhard for what reason are you homeschooled?" She asked , my face instantly dropped. I sighed so she knew something was wrong. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"It's ok. Bullies , that's why" I sighed. She started to sound angry

"Wait Wait Wait. You're trying to tell me that some lowlife kids bullied you? How could they? For what? You don't look bad you don't sound bad and you're not stupid , and even if you were there's nothing wrong with that it's just they're such asshol-" she started to rant.

"Millie. It's okay." I smiled cutting her off. "They called me frog face , they'd push me to the ground , they'd hit me and say horrible things about my family and one day my mom had enough so , she moved me to online school" I shrugged.

"I wish I could hug you right now" she sighed.

"I wish I could hug you too" I sighed at the thought of how slim the chances were of us meeting. "So why are you homeschooled?" I asked

"Well I-" she started.

"FINN! FINN! FINN! COME HERE NOW! I HAVE GREAT NEWS!!" I heard my mom shout from downstairs.

"Awh I have to go" I sighed.

"Sounds important! If it's something cool then tell me later! Bye Finn!" She ended the call. I chuckled and ran downstairs. My mom stood there holding an iPad showing an email she had received.....I stood in shock once she told me who it was. I couldn't believe it. I was beyond happy.


Hey guys! Thanks again for reading this far and not getting bored! I'm sorry this isn't the best but I'm really trying , I'm so bad at writing and I deeply apologise for that I'm just ... you know.... trying (the keyword there is TRYING) also just letting you know I have Instagram! - @ milevendln

Unknown - fillieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora