Chapter 2 Cluslirch

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I felt arms grab my body, stopping me from running, I struggled to get out of their grip, but I couldn't, they where pulling me close to their chest. "What does the note say Newt?" the boy restraining me asked "it says to torture her an then kill her" I looked at "Newt" he was the boy who had jumped into the cage. "Well then let's do it, maybe they will let us out if we do it" another boy said, I started to struggle even more. " Ben get a knife" the boy holding me ordered, I looked at Newt, I couldn't see myself, but I knew that I had fear plastered on my face. "Gally, stop we need to discuss this" he said, "your not in charge Newt, Alby is, he doesn't seem to object" his grip on me lossened, I took this moment and I ran, all the boys where shouting. And then I felt something pulling me to the forest, it wasn't physically pulling me, but It was like I was being summoned. Before I could make for the forest a hand griped my shoulder pulling me back to a halt. They lifted up there hands to reveal a knife, they swung the knife at me from above and I shut my eyes. I realised, I hadn't felt any pain, I slowly opened my eyes to see the boys arms being held back by GIANT tree roots, they where protecting me. I looked down at my hands to see a green mist circling my finger tips, I looked back at the roots then back at my hands, that's what those people meant by power. I was scared, not that the boys where going to hurt me, no, I was scared of myself. I backed away from the boys and ran into the woods, they where still calling me so I did as they asked, I kept running and didn't look back. 

I kept running until I came across a HUGE tree, then the calling stopped, this must be the right place. I walked up to the big tree and sat down about a meter away from it. " it was you, wasn't it, you where the one calling me" I said, I wasn't expecting an answer, but I sure as hell got one. "That's the first time you have spoken since you got here" "how do you know that, and how are you talking" I asked "I was watching you, we all where, and to answer your other question Raylea, you have the power to control earth, which means you can talk to ALL nature, trees, flowers, animals" the tree told me. "Can I trust you" I asked "yes, and I know I can trust you Raylea" the tree said " if I can trust you, can you tell me your name" "Cluslirch"  the tree told me, his voice was slow and old, and wise. "You can trust every tree, every flower, every animal here, we are all your protectors" Cluslirch told me "tell me Cluslirch, can I trust those boys" I asked, I could hear the boys getting closer to me. "Not all of them no, however you can trust one of them, but only one"  he said "Who" "Newt"

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