The End and the Beginning

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February 26th, 2070. Alaska

         Pouring myself a glass of scotch, I sit in my living room in front of the fireplace awaiting the end. After being on this earth for forty-one years with two degrees and a PhD in science and biology, I never would have thought the world would come to an end in the form of a massive coronal mass. (solar flare). Taking a sip of my drink, I sit staring at the flames as they flicker and dance, thinking about the only person that really mattered to me over the last four years, Jason. He was a student of mine during his junior year in high school. I will never forget that day, the moment he walked into my classroom and our eyes met. We fell hard. It was one of those very rare moments when you know you found the one. Words weren't needed, physical contact wasn't needed. We could feel one other's emotion; all of this just from eye contact.

        He was seventeen then, and I was thirty-seven. Yes, I know fucking creepy, but what makes it even more creepy was this house I had just bought was right next door to his. If that wasn't a sign, then I don't know what the hell is. His dad was a biochemist and we ended up becoming fast friends, and not on purpose. But regardless we both knew the rules. Over the course of the last three years, we used his schooling as an excuse to be around one another. It seemed just being in the same room, helped to dumb down the intense ache to be with one another when we couldn't be in each other's presences. We never talked about our feelings for one another, and we never touched one another. Whenever we were together, we almost always worked on school work and when we weren't, we just hung out and enjoyed each others company. It was amazing how much we both had in common, a lot of the same likes and dislikes.

       Even after Jason turned eighteen and graduated, we still never talked about us. And thinking back on it now, I know that was our one mistake. The emotional and sexual tension we had to bottle up for so long started to come out in negative forms. My possessive beast started to show, it caused many fights over anything and everything. From him going out with friends, instead of hanging out with me, to always wanting to know where he's at and what he's doing. The last fight we had, two weeks ago almost brought us to our breaking point. Everything was raw and potent, and we were both angry. If I didn't walk away when I did, I would have taken him, claimed him, and rode him hard, never stopping till he knew he was mine. I didn't want our first time to be like that. I should have claimed him when he turned eighteen, made him mine like I originally planned. I thought we had more time.

       Taking a gulp of my scotch, I stop my thoughts where there at, I can't let myself go there. I throw back the rest of my drink and get up to get another one. When I turned around, I was startled back then frozen in place. Jason stood in the entry-way to my den, I never even heard him come in.


        I stood watching him for a few minutes, he was in such deep thought he didn't even hear me come in. I knew he was thinking about me, about us. We could always feel one another, see the emotions-the yearning through each other's eyes. Seeing him after two weeks of not speaking, in the situation were in now kills me from within. Studying what I could see of him, he looks a lot like I currently do, a mess. His curly-dark brown hair is all over the place, his clothes were wrinkled and look as though he's been in them for days. Even though I can only see the right side of his beautifully-tan face, I can tell he hasn't shaved either. The sexy full facial goatee I always loved on him was gone and replaced with a short beard.

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