I squinted my eyes and slowly stretched before looking around the foreign, yet so familiar place.

  Our house was made of light, sandy color bricks, standing tall on the front of the beach. Since my parents were home all the time, our yard was also taken care of -a thick shade of plush, green grass that was cut to the finest point; our glazed over, cobblestone driveway sticking out in contrast. Palm trees stood tall around the perimeter of the yard, guarding the beautiful flower beds that my mom had created.

  She always tried to drag me out of the house to come and help her plant, but to be honest, the only reason I did was because I enjoyed picking out the flowers. I hated the digging in the dirt, and the messy mulch that she would lay, but I will always give her credit in the end for having the most beautiful gardens.

  The one along the stairs to the front entrance will always be my favorite though. It's lined with small pink and orange hibiscus and then gradually fills up with beautiful, eye catching plumerias that are pink around the edges with a bright orange and yellow color in the middle. It just looks so.. happy, I guess.

  I smiled and made my way towards the steps that eventually led into the entrance way. Our house was.. quite large, to say the least, so when my seventy year old neighbors, Ed and Jan, called my name, I was able to see them over the railing, on the side of their house in the small porch swing, and give a wave. Ed rested back into the seat and wrapped his arm around Jan, as they both smiled and watched their grandchildren run around with colorful calk.

They're so cute! I hope to have that when I'm old and gross.

  I slowly entered the large french doors that lead into the grand entrance room. I hadn't realized how much I actually missed this place until I heard the small patters across the hardwood floors of the living room. A small, chocolate lab stood at my feet, her tail wagging and mouth agape as her floppy ears bounced slightly from excitement.

  A smile made its way to my lips as I took off my shoes, pushing them to the side. I bent down, eye level with the puppy as she placed her paws onto my bare knees. "Rezzy!" I cuddled her into my arms the best that I could, laughing as she began to lick my face. I'm not usually the one to really like dog kisses, but for some reason, Rezlyn's have been the only one I've ever enjoyed. They're not all sloppy and wet like most.

  "Hi, baby.", I cooed, chuckling as I pushed her down, making her sit in front of me. She's only a couple months old, but she sure has grown since I've last seen her.

I ran my fingers across her head and down her ears before I stood up, making my way into the house. The blast of air conditioner hit me as I entered the living room, plopping down on the cool, tan leather couch.

  You could say that our house was also quite open. Tall, spacious windows that over looked the ocean (such a perfect place to watch the sun set as I had done for years), open arches that connected all the main rooms, a widely spread kitchen and a main dining area off of it.

  When I was little, I would honestly get lost, and it would take me ten minutes to find my way. Now, by the time I was eight, I can assure you that I knew my way pretty well, but my friends on the other hand.. well, they usually ended up having to yell for me.

  One thing that was always bad though, was that since it's so open, it echos a lot, so the games of  hide and seek weren't as fun as they could've been.

  "Khloe?" I glanced up to see my mom making her way down the winding, carpeted staircase. She had a firm grip on the dark wood railing as her eyes met mine. "Dad wants to know if you wanna help him in the library."

  I knitted my eyebrows together, sitting up so I could pay better attention. "What does he need help with?", I chuckled, feeling my phone buzz in my pocket.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now