Chapter Five

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Kiko went down into the basement and saw what was causing the commotion.A girl about 14 or 15 was stood there right in front of her."Wh-who are you?"Kiko asked timidly.The girl didn't answer.It was like the girl was in a sort of trance.The girl looked exactly like Kiko.Blonde hair,green eyes,freckles.Only,this girl looked more prettier than Kiko."I-I"The girl started.Kiko noticed that her accent was a Japenese one.Only more posh than Kikos.The ghost cleared her throat."I am Ling Su" She said."Ling Su? As in the princess of Nagasaki?"Kiko asked excitedly."Sis?"She heard Kiyoko say,"Where are yo-?"She stopped at the bottom of the stairs."I am Ling Su " Ling Su said again."Holy crap!"Kiyoko said with a smile.Ling Su smiled back at them both."I gather you've heard of me?"Ling Su said.
"Yep!"Kiko and Kiyoko said together."So...An atomic bomb came down from the heavens?"Kiko said.
"Yes it did!It came from those Americans!"Ling Su said angrily."Uhh,Ling Su?This is not the Second World War,you know " Kiko said timidly.Ling Su stopped ranting on about the Americans dropping the bomb on Nagasaki."Yes I do know Kiko " Ling Su replied in a sweet enough voice but there was an edge to her voice.

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