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A/N sorry for the hiatus, I started college then life happened and I kinda just lost my motivation to write this so I'm gonna finish this one crappily and happily. The ending is gonna seem very rushed and I'm sorry for that but I'll have an authors note later to explain everything

Steve wasn't talking to peter much when he found out wade was coming for dinner. Tony didn't entirely approve of the situation but he'd deal because he new what it was like to be judged based on reputation.
The time had almost come for wade to arrive. Peter had cooked a lovely meal and tony had coaxed Steve out of their room. Steve was sat at the table reading a paper and tony was helping peter set the table.
"Dad, wade isn't like how you think he is. He's kind and sweet. When- um when we were apart I was so hurt inside and with him I feel loved and cared for."
"Peter I trust you, I just don't trust him, but if you like him and trust him, he's gotta be okay."
"Thanks dad"
The door bell rang. "That must be him!!!" Peter dashes to the door, and opens it. "Oh Happy it's just you"
"Just me, and this kid who claims he knows you?!"
"Hey Petey-Pie"
"Come on in"
Wade and Peter walked into the kitchen together completely forgetting that happy was still standing there astonished.
Dinner went smoothly for the two, Wade was very polite and Steve liked him, after they ate though Wade did have to leave because it was a school night. Peter was helping his parents clean up the dinner mess when Tony spoke up
"You did good kid"
"Wades a good guy" Steve said standing next to his husband "We shouldn't of judged him based on his reputation"
"Yeah because I know how hard it is to lose a reputation for something you're not" Tony said and smiled to his husband. They kissed and Peter gagged and walked away knowing full well that they were thinking about when they were being judged for dating each other.
"I love you Steve"
"I love you too...Secret"


Peter stood atop a Mexican restaurant waiting for his boyfriend to show up.
"Hey Peter!"
"My parents liked you!!!"
"What that's great!! You came all this way to tell me that?"
"No pops called dad secret and now they're fucking like teenagers"
"I don't get it"
"The nick name?"
"No that parents fuck, they have a kid they lost all rights to do that"
"You won't be saying that when we're parents"
"Peter are you pregnant"
"No stupid god I'm a boy!! What I'm saying that we're gonna be together forever and we're gonna raise out own gay babies"
"I love you Peter"
"I love you too Wade"

The End

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