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"Wade you're insane! We can't break up." Peter starts to cry "we can't- you can't leave me!"
"You seemed pretty intent on leaving me the last time we were here!"
"You said you were gonna kill me!!" Peter yelled back still crying
"You didn't let me talk to you!"
"Ok we'll talk, why do you want to break up?"
"I don't I just don't want to hurt you!"
"You're hurting me by leaving me!"
"I well" wade is lost he wants to come up with a reason why he can't be with Peter but he has nothing until "I can't be with someone who won't introduce me to their parents! What are you embarrassed of me!!"
"No wade I-"
"Never it's just my dad he wouldn't approve"
"Exactly Peter. Maybe you should care what you think of me instead of what others do"

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