Panic Ensues/The Rescue chapter

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Edgar's POV

My name is Edgar. No, I'm not a poet. In fact I'm a song writer. No, I am not conceited, even though I was walking around shirtless in the hopes of "picking up chicks" which, in fact, I did. Literally. Like, I literally had to CARRY this chick out of a treehouse...A MOTHERFUCKING TREEHOUSE!!! I've had a crazy day man.

Okay, so I'm just walking when I cross this HUGE ass house, right? When, suddenly, there's a legit HOUSE in the trees. Not a kiddy treehouse, I mean like a mini HOUSE. With, like, windows and everything. So I see this Asian chick up in the tree, wearing some pretty skimpy shorts and a bikini top (Katy Perry, maybe?) and, being the suave guy that I am, I flashed her a smile. No biggie. Then BAM!

She dropped a paintbrush she'd been holding and just fainted. After several thorough minutes of hyperventilation, and just freaking out in general, I climbed that amazing fortress of a treehouse. Damn, I'm not an expert on the beauty level of unconscious girls, but she was hot with a capital 'h'!!!

Really nice, tan skin, what was the subtle hint of a fourpack, and really long hair in a braid down her back. To be honest with you, I'd tap that. I mean, not now considering she's unconscious, and that would be rape, plus I'm only thirteen, but yeah. You get the idea. 

I gotta say something that I'm kinda ashamed of. I didn't know what to do with her, plus she could wake up at any moment, so I just dropped her off in the middle of her front lawn. Hehe, oops. Well, I spoke to soon, be ause guess what? She woke up just then.

Now, human beings are capable of making many faces. All those different muscles moving around in all those different directions. But the look that I got from that girl at that very particular moment...I thought she was going to kill me, but you know what she did? No, She didn't slap me. Nor did she spray me with mace. She did not kik me either. You know what she did? She leaned in...

And she kissed me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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