"I didn't lie to you, Poppy. I left your apartment and picked up Tracy for work because she is my assistant. I headed to the office and talked to my father. He said that he didn't need me after all. We came here after," I nod slowly.

"You shouldn't have to explain yourself to her. You are a grown-ass man and can do whatever the hell you want," Tracy adds her input. I let out a dry laugh while looking at her.

"The last time I checked, you were the ex-girlfriend. You should learn where that line starts and ends because right now you are flying across it when you shouldn't be," She takes a step toward me while glaring harder.

"There is no line that I can't cross. Why don't you just shut up and be thankful that he decided to spend his free time with you," I stand up and Knox grabs my arm. I snap my head at his hand and up at him. He glares at me.

"Sit down," He growls. I pull my arm back.

"If you aren't going to defend me to your ex then I will," He shakes his head.

"Why can't you be nice for once?" I suck in a deep breath and nod.

"Fine, Knox. You win. I will be as nice as I can possibly be," I look at Tracy. She smirks. "You can have him," Her smile falters a little. Knox lets out a heavy sigh.

"Come on, Studs. Let's just go and talk this through at your place?" I shake my head.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. I'm not going to sit here while she disrespects me and you do or say nothing to defend me. And before you say anything about her being your ex? It has nothing to do with the fact that she is your ex,"

"I wouldn't let Brax talk to you like that or Creg. You shouldn't let your "friend" talk to me like that. And you damn sure shouldn't stop me from defending myself to her. So no, Knox. I will not go to my apartment and talk this out. I'm done with this relationship," I murmur the last word. He clenches his fists.

"You are being ridiculous right now," I cross my arms.

"I don't care if I am acting childish or foolish. I said I'm done and that's that. I don't want to talk to you anymore," I sit back down in my seat and glare at the table.

"Studs," He said with a sigh. I keep my gaze on the table. "Poppy?" I continued my fierce glare at the table even though the table did no wrong. "You are really going to sit there and ignore me?"

"I do believe she said that she was done talking," Brax says with his voice calm but when I look up at him, his face is anything but calm. Knox snorts.

"Stay out of it Brax," He growls. Brax balls up his fists while clenching and unclenching his jaw. His eyes were on mine for a while.

"I'm trying to not get in the middle, Knox," He turned his gaze to Knox and it was cold and deadly. "But if you don't respect her choice to not speak then I will become very unfriendly,"

I feel myself smiling at him as I stare at him. He looks sexy when he is angry but sounds sexier when defending me. I bite my lip as I blush. Knox scuffs and I look at him, my smile fading. He looks at me. "Call me when you stop acting like a damn child,"

I roll my eyes at him. I stand up and walk around him to Brax. I look at Brax and his gaze goes to me. He looked curious as to what was going on in my head.

I trail my hand in his hair and lean forward. I place my lips on his and he gladly welcomes them with his. His hands shoot to my waist as he pulls me closer to him as he depends on the kiss. His tongue slid across my lips for permission which I granted instantly.

I'm completely lost in the kiss. It's like the world stopped spinning and it was just me and him. I kissed him harder as our tongues danced together. He lets out a groan in my mouth causing a gush of heat to my panties.

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