Animagus // Newt Scamander // Part 1

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Very first imagine, I hope it's alright!

(Y/hl): your hair length
(y/hc): your hair color
(y/ec): your eye color
(y/n): your (first) name
(y/ln): your last name


Newt's POV

"Pickett!!" I called into the dark woods. "Pickett, where have you gone off to??"
Only a few minutes earlier, I was searching for a heard of thestrals, when I realised Pickett was no longer in my coat pocket.
I feared I had lost him on the ship from America a few hours ago, but I remembered seeing him before I apparated.
I tried not to think of what apparation would do to a bowtruckle, as if getting splinched wasn't bad enough.
"Pickett!" I called, biting my lip. "Where are you, please come out!" 
As I walked further into the woods, light became scarce from the treetops overhead.
When I saw the moon was full tonight, I thought of werewolves as a howl ripped through the night's silence.
Soon enough, however, I could no longer see the moon.
I pulled out my wand and muttered, "Lumos," and a familiar small white light appeared on the tip of it. The light illuminated the dark wood before me and I continued my search.
I eventually came to a clearing where a pond sat still, matching the night's silent aesthetic. Fireflies flew above and around it, adding to the calm setting. I would've found it rather nice if I weren't in the current predicament.
I sighed and thought my search was over, when I heard a noise.
I turned to look at the tree next to me and saw a small twig-like being scratching at the bark.
"Pickett!" I cried. "Thank god I found you!"
I held out my hand and he climbed on carefully.
"Come on, let's get back. It's time for dinner." I said to him.
He shook his head and pointed to the top of the tree he was just on.
"What? There's nothing there." I said after looking up at the tree.
He continued to point but, since there was nothing I could see, I began to walk back towards the trail I was originally on.
But before I got very far, I heard rustling in the trees. There was no wind that night, so this made for an eerie experience.
I attempted to brush it off, until I heard a quiet whispering. I stopped so I could try and make out what the voice was saying.
"Do you hear that too, Pickett?" I asked the bowtruckle on my shoulder, who was looking around as confused as I was.
The whispering was getting louder, as I stood still and I realised something.
The whispering was in Parseltongue.
I didn't know very much Parseltongue, but I could understand some.
"Hello?" I called out in snake language.
"Yes?" A female whisper came from the dark, answering my call. "You look familiar..."
I was taken aback when I processed the sentence. I never knew anyone personally who could speak Parseltongue.
"I do?..." I asked, curiously.
"Yes. Scamander..." The girl said.
I thought hard and tried to remember anyone who had this rare gift. Then I remembered her.
It was a sunny September 1st at 10:40AM, it was surprising that I still remembered all the details to this day.
I had just stepped onto Platform 9 3/4 and saw the beautiful scarlet, Hogwarts Express, before me.
My trunk was loaded onto the train and I wandered the first years' car looking for a place to sit.
Everywhere was full, except for a seat with one girl in it.
She had (y/hl), (y/hc) hair and sat with a Siamese cat next to her.
She seemed nice enough, so I asked, "Excuse me? May I sit here? There's no where else. "
She turned and I was stunned. She had beautiful (y/ec) eyes that were brought out by her hair colour and she smiled when she saw me.
"Yes, of course you can!" The girl exclaimed. I smiled back and sat down.
A few minutes later, the train started to move.
When we finally decided to speak to each other, she spoke first.
"I'm (y/n) (y/ln)," she said with an outstretched hand. "You are?"
I took her hand and shook it. "Newt Scamander. It's nice to meet you."
She smiled once again and my heart skipped a beat at the sight. She was amazing.
"(Y/n)?" I asked sceptically.
There was no answer, only silence.
I was worried and looked around in the dark for any sign of my former friend.
Then, Pickett scurried to my other shoulder and tried his best to hide himself.
I turned my attention to him, "What's wrong, Pickett?" I asked.
He timidly pointed to something behind me.
I turned and saw a pair of green reptilian eyes reflecting the light of my wand, followed by the scale covered body of a viper.
I took a few steps back and the snake was completely out of the tree and on the forest floor.
It opened its mouth to reveal two very long fangs that I knew were laced with deadly venom.
I finally came to the realization that the creature maybe trying to harm me. I pointed my wand at the snake and used the first spell that came to mind.
I don't know what I thought that was going to do, but I didn't want to hurt the snake and I definitely didn't want to kill it.
The red light shot from my wand and the snake was thrown back and fell limp.
I began panicking in my head, thinking I hurt it too bad, when I heard a voice.
"Oww, fuck, I can't believe you've done this!"
It was female and sounded very familiar.
"Oh my god, (y/n)!" I cried and ran to where the snake had fallen. In its place was a girl with (y/hl), (y/hc) hair and striking (y/ec) eyes. "I'm so sorry, I didn't recognise you!"
(Y/n) was sitting up and examining her bleeding arm. "Don't worry, I didn't expect you to." She said. "I didn't mean to scare you either. Sorry 'bout that."
I smiled. "It's alright, (y/n). I'm just glad to see my best friend again."
"I am too!" She hugged me and I was forced to give an awkward hug, due to my posture.
"Have you started your book yet?" (Y/n) asked.
"Yes, I have," I answered. "It's actually the reason why I'm out here. I was studying a heard thestrals when Pickett here wandered off."
(Y/n) waved to Pickett, who tried to act like he didn't care.
"I see you became a registered Animagus." I pointed out.
"Yes, it took a lot of time, but it was all worth it." (Y/n) said. She always wanted to have the ability to change into an animal at will, and now she could finally do it.
"What are you doing out here?" I asked.
"I thought you'd be working for the Ministry by now."
(Y/n) sighed and played with the grass. "I know, but I was injured in a fracas with Grindlewald, and I was thought to be dead."
I listened to my friend explain her predicament and I asked, "Where do you live? I can take you home."
"The Ministry thinks I'm dead, Newt. I have no where to go. I've been living out here for the past month." (Y/n) says. I sigh, unable to help my friend, until I have an idea.
"You can live in my case!" I say to (Y/n).
"Your what??" She asks, visibly very confused.
"My briefcase, where all my fantastic beasts live." I put the brown bag down in front of (Y/n) and open it up to reveal the very long staircase down.
"Oh good lord..." (Y/n) whispers at a loss for words. "I love you, Scamander!"
With that, she starts down the stairs, into my case, leaving me blushing at her words.


Sorry for how bad this is, but it's my first imagine and I didn't know where to go with it for half of it.
I planned for there to be a part two, but funnily enough, I forgot my idea. I hope I remember it some time, or come up with a new ending.
The next Imagine was going to be Fred Weasley (feat. George), however, there's been a few difficulties concerning its plot. A new imagine will come soon, hopefully (I'm thinking Tom Riddle?)

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