Chapter 2- Deductions and Shopping

Start from the beginning

Sherlock gave the same look to Lestrade then turned back to me.

"Well done, I was hoping that you wouldn't be completely useless on this case." Sherlock proclaimed.

"Thanks, am I right in thinking that somewhere in that sentence there was a compliment?" I questioned.

"Maybe." He stated then turned away.

"Sherlock, we'd better get going. We've got to take Maddy school shopping yet." John told him.

"Yes, yes alright. Come on then lets go." He replied and turned to Lestrade. "Can I have those case notes, on the little pieces of information that the New Scotland Yard could manage to gather?"

"Oi, don't start on at me just because you've got to go shopping instead of solving crimes!" Lestrade countered and shoved the folder at Sherlock.

Sherlock turned around and went to hail a cab, John and I followed.

"Aww you all look like a proper family there!" Lestrade laughed to himself. "Hey, Maddy see you soon and I hope school isn't too bad!" 

"Thanks, I hope so too!" I called back.

"Any trouble, call me and I'll sort them out!" He replied.

"Will keep that in mind, thanks Greg!" I shouted whilst getting into the cab.

The taxi pulled away from the curb.

"Who's Greg?" Sherlock asked me.

"Lestrade, Greg's his first name Sherlock. Did you seriously not know that?" I replied.

"Ugh, I can't be bothered with first names. It doesn't matter anyway." He announced.

"Right ok but you better not start calling me Holmes now instead of Maddy!" I threatened.

"Alright Holmes." He teased.

We arrived at the same shopping mall that Sherlock and I went to the other week, when I got all of those texts. A shiver ran down my spine as we exited the cab and walked into the mall.

"Too soon?" Sherlock asked.

"No, no it's fine, I mean I've got to move on some time so why not now?" I replied and started walking through the mall.

"Right so we'll start with the uniform first." John told us.

"Ugh, nooo! I bet it's going to be horrible! Do we have to start with that first?" I asked.

"Yes because that's the thing your most dreading about this trip." He told me then grabbed my arm and led me into the uniform shop.

I stood in the changing room staring at the uniform that hung before me on a hanger. I was going to look ridiculous!

I forced myself to try it on. All I could think of when I saw myself in the mirror for the first time wearing it was literally "Bloody hell, I'd rather wear a bin bag, I look terrible!". My uniform consisted of a white long sleeve blouse, a grey knitted jumper to go over the top, a dark grey skirt, black opaque tights, a pair of black flats and on top of all that a burgundy and yellow striped tie with a burgundy blazer! Gosh, I really did look stupid!

"Maddy is everything alright in there?" John called.

"No! This looks terrible!" I whined.

"Come on, it can't be that bad! Come and show us!" He tried to reason with me.

I unlocked the door and flung it open to reveal Sherlock and John sitting opposite me on chairs.

John looked shocked, Sherlock laughed at me.

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