A place in this world

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**When they were still a kid and Jon found Arya in the woods.**

I SMILE when I found the little girl I was searching for hours now. I took a deep breath of relief. She seems to sense my presence because she carefully turns around, rock in her hand, ready to attack me anytime. I saw her visibly relax when she recognize me, she turn back around and resume throwing stones at the creek.

"Hey, what are you doing here, little sister?" I ask when I was standing beside her.

"What are you doing here?" she asked back as she picks up another rock to throw into the creek. She didn't get the chance to throw the poor rock because I grab her wrist gently. She glares to me, her grey eyes shining and brows furrowed together but she didn't say anything. Instead she just lowers her hand and crouch down, staring mindlessly into the creek.

I sigh and sat beside her. "They're all worried about you, do you know that?" I told her, also staring at the creek. "Robb, Theon, Father and... your lady Mother, they're all out searching for you right now."

"And you," she say so softly I almost missed.

"Aye, and I found you." I nod.

"How do you know I was here?" Arya ask still not looking at me. She hid her face in her arms, while hugging her knees, with only her grey eyes showing.

"I just know," I told her with a shrug. That's the truth. I was searching in the woods and I have a weird feeling that she might be around here. I was right. "Let's go home before it gets dark."

She just shook her head. "I don't want to go home."

"Arya," I sigh.

"They all hate me. I know they won't miss me when I'm gone."

"That's not true and you know that."

"It's the truth," she hissed. "They won't miss me because Sansa was there, she's the perfect one, she's good at everything while I'm not." she whisper, her grey eyes are now shining with unshed tears. She's not the type who will cry in front of anyone and I know she must have been really hurt when she barely controls herself like this.

"Arya," I grab her shoulder and look her in the eye. "Sansa might be good at embroidery, dancing and all that things proper lady do but you are good at other things as well. You have the skills, instinct and sense of survival; you are talented in your own way."

"But...Father wants me to be a proper lady like Sansa," she said with sadness in her voice and it pains me to see her like this. I already miss my happy and energetic little sister.

"Father wants you to be happy," I said. "I know that Father will give everything to make sure of that." She looks up to me, still unsure. I just gave her a reassuring smile and offer my hand, but instead of grabbing my hand she jumps at me and hugged me tightly. I sigh in relief and wrap my arms around her. "Let's go home."

She nod her head but makes no effort in moving, her little arms still wrap around my neck. "Arya," I chuckle and playfully shrug her arms off my shoulder but she tighten her hold.

"I'm tired," she mutter under her breath.

"Okay, how 'bout I carry you on my back on the way home?" she just nod her head tiredly, eyes already closing.

"You weigh like a paper, Arya. You need to eat more, you're so skinny." I joked when she's already in my back. I was walking a little faster so we can make it before it gets dark. I know they are all worried about this little chicken.

"I eat a lot, I just don't grow."

"I will make sure you will eat a whole pie yourself when we get home," I teased.

"I can eat more than that."

We continue our playful banter on the way home until she actually fell asleep behind my back. I look behind my shoulder when I heard a light snore and I chuckled. Her eyebrows are furrowed together and her mouth slightly agape with little drool on the corner of her lips, few of her hair strands are covering her face. My smile widened as I stare a little longer, preserving her pictures in my memory. She's a cute little nugget, and one day this cute nugget will grow into a lady so I want to enjoy my time with her; when she's still a kid, when she still need me by her side. Because I know one day she will leave, marry a lord and have her own family. I don't want that to happen yet.

I shook my head at my own thoughts and continue walking. It's too early to think about that. We are near at the castle, we should arrive before sunset. I walk for another twenty minutes before we arrived at the castle, Robb and Theon run towards us.

"Where did you find her?" Robb ask when she approached us, he caress Arya's hair gently afraid to wake the sleeping girl.

"Outside the castle; into the woods," I said, just as I look up I saw Lady Catelyn running towards us, worry is painted all over her face, behind her was Sansa and Father.

"Oh Arya," she carry the little girl behind my back, waking her up in the process. "I was really worried about you, don't do that again." Lady Catelyn said, barely acknowledging my presence. I just sigh because I'm used to that cold treatment.

Arya slowly open her eyes, not sure where she is. The sight of her mother make the little girl cry, she clutch her mother tightly. "I'm so sorry, Mother. Please, don't hate me."

"Of course, I don't hate you, Arya. I will never hate you. I was worried about you." Lady Catelyn walk away and I watch them disappear inside the castle with Arya still in her arms. I can't help a deep sigh escape my lips.

Robb nod at me with small smile on his lips and pat my shoulder a couple of times before following Lady Catelyn inside the castle with Theon following him like a lost puppy. Sansa just eyed me before she immediately turns around to follow the others.

"Thank you for finding her, Jon." Father said after a few seconds. "I'm sure Catelyn was also really thankful to you, she's just...too tired today because of Arya's disappearance."

I just nod at my father despite knowing better. Lady Catelyn hates me because I'm her husband's bastard, son of a nameless whore who I don't even know if dead or alive; Father never told me her name. I ask my father if I could retire to my room and he let me. After hours of mindlessly staring at the ceiling a soft knock on the door shattered the peaceful silence of my room. I open the door to a young male servant holding a tray of food. I raised my eyebrow as a question to the food.

"From Lady Catelyn she also asked if you want anything else."

"No, thank you." I close the door and sit at my bed. I stare the food, Lady Catelyn delivered for me. I know this is her way of thanking me for finding Arya. A small smile find its way to my lips.


this is the first ever Jonrya fic i ever written back to 2016 lol.. suppose to be longer so i never post this but i noticed i haven't posted anything for more than a year so i think this will do.. i hope i can write the part2 of this :)

Game of Thrones -Jon/AryaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum