Lost Girl

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**when Arya mistaken a stranger for Jon**

I WAS sitting at the corner of some deserted street in king's landing, clutching my stomach as if that would help to ease the pain caused by hunger for not eating in days. I don't have money to buy food, all I have is myself...and needle. I look down at needle and I saw Jon's face, his smile. I shook my head because I realized I was being weak. No, I will not die. I refuse to die today. Not today.

With fresh courage and determination, I force myself to my feet. I need to find food, or anything to escape this hunger. I walk around the busy street trying to find a store that would give me food but every time they discover that I don't have any money they would always shoo me away, 'I have no time for beggar' they say.

   I look up at the sky and saw little bird flying so freely without a care in the world. I envy the little birds that time because they can fly whenever they want; they are free to go wherever they want to go. I wish I could do the same. I want to go back to the Winterfell with father and Sansa. I miss my mother and my brother Robb, Bran and Rickon...and Jon. I miss Jon the most. I saw one bird land on the street, pecking on a rotting fruit then so suddenly a cat lunges towards the bird and capture it with its sharp teeth, killing the unsuspecting bird instantly. The scene stunned me and I felt goosebumps run through my arms and in the back of my neck. I feared that the dreadful fate of the bird will be like mine. I will not allow that to happen for I am not a bird or a cat for that matter. I'm a wolf.

    It dawn to me that no one is safe in this world. No one is free. God of death...not today!

    I continue roaming the street in my search of food and out of the corner of my eyes I saw a familiar figure, a man wearing a black cloak made of fur. No one wears fur in the capitol unless you just arrive from the north. His built was also familiar and his black curls reminded me of someone.


    I saw myself unconsciously following the said man who's constantly turning his head as if looking for someone. My heart beat increases and I felt myself hoping. Is it possible? No! I don't think so, the last time I heard he's still at the wall. Maybe he heard what happened to father and decided to rescue us...that's possible, right? And with a brand new hope I follow the guy and yank his arm.

    "Jon!" I whisper yell, eyes shining full of hope only to be heart broken when I discover it is not Jon. He has the same black curls and grey eyes yet it's not really same, it is not Jon's. I drop my hands to my sides and mutter and apology. The stranger just shrug his shoulder and turn his back to me. I stop on my track when a tear clouded my vision and I bit my lower lip harshly. I forbid myself to cry. Maybe this hunger is causing me delusions. It is so stupid of me to believe that Jon will come here in the capitol and maybe it is safer this way. He will be more in danger here in the capitol than he will be in the wall, he's maybe a bastard but he's still son of Ned Stark, the traitor. I clench my fist so hard.

   My father is never a traitor.

   I wonder how Jon's doing right now. Is he cold? Or are they treating him right? I shook my head and force the thoughts away. I need to find food right now. I need to survive if I want to see him again...and I will see him again. I will be with them again, that I promise.

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I'm not fluent in english so please pardon all grammar error :)

Have a lovely day guys!

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