"I'm serious. You'll be a metal detector for men," he smirks.

"Can you not," I giggle as I turn back to my mirror.

"Can we leave?" He asks me. Can't he just give me some time? God damn.

"I just need my shoes," I run my fingers through my now straight hair.

"Wear sneakers," he gets up from my bed.

"I hope you're kidding," I shake my head as I grab my black wedges from the closet.

"Those are high," he rolls his eyes as he opens the door to my room and heads for the stairs. I sigh as I follow him out.

"You look hot," Amanda hugs me.

"You too. Damn," I eye her. She's wearing a black maxi dress with peach colors heals.

"Where's Harry?" She asks me over the loud music.

"I don't know," I look around." Where's Niall?" I ask her.

"I don't know," she shrugs. There's a lot of socs here. But some greasers showed up. I hope they don't get beat up for coming.

"Did the other guys show up?" I ask her.

"No, they thought they wouldn't belong. Which I thought was Bullshit," she rolls her eyes and I nod.

"I'll go find Niall," I tell her as I make my way through the large crowd of dancing people. I finally spot him sitting with Harry on the couch.

"Hey," I hug Niall. Just to annoy Harry, I sit on Niall's lap.

"Hi," he laughs.

"Too many socs?" I ask him.

"Just a little bit," he admits.

"Okay, party's over," Harry grabs my hand.

"Chill," I move from Niall's lap to his.

"Who wants to play beer pong?" A guy shouts from a different room.

"See y'all," Niall gets up. "I'll play," he tells the tall guy.

"Bye Cher," Harry gets up and sits me on the couch.

"So you're leaving me?" I smirk at him.

"Sorry," he shrugs as he follows Niall. He highfives a soc. Do they know they're greasers?

"Hi," I feel someone sit next to me. When I turn my head in surprised to see Jack. Well, not too surprised. It's a Soc party.

"Hey," I respond.

"So how've you been?" He studies my face.

"What?" I laugh. I hate when he gives me the look.

"I'm sorry but you're just too beautiful," he says. "I can't believe I lost you." He says. I've never heard him say sweeter things.

"Jack, I-," I start but he cuts me off.

"I know. You're dating that greaser," he sighs.

"Actually, I'm not."

"What? Then what are you guys?" He lifts a brow. Damn, how am I supposed to answer? "Friends with benefits? Sex buddies?"

"I don't know," I cover my eyes with my hand.

"He's using you, Cherry," he tells me. I don't know why but I'm so attracted to him right now.

"He's not," I respond, not really sure if I'm right.

"Come outside with me, I wanna show you something," he tells me and I nod. Harry doesn't see us thankfully. Niall does and lifts a brow but stays quiet. As we step out into Amanda's backyard, Jack shows me the small pond.

"So you wanted to show me the pond?" I laugh as we sit down on the bench.

"No," he chuckles. Why does he seem so hot? I feel like I'm still dating him. "Remember that penny we threw in there?" He asks me.

"Oh yeah," I respond. That image of us holding hands while making a wish makes me smile.

"Do you remember what we wished?" He smirks.

"That well always be the ones for each other no matter what?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah," he looks at the ground, "Cherry?"

"Yeah?" I ask while he gets closer to me.

"I love you," he looks at me. I can't. I'm sorry. I need this. He kisses me. I never noticed how much I miss him. His hugs. His kisses. His everything.

"What the fuck!" I hear Harry from behind us. I turn around as quickly as possible so he doesn't hit Jack. Shit. I didn't think about Harry. Harry tries to hit Jack but I hold his arms. He's too strong. His strength over comes me and he throws me to the floor. He doesn't even notice. I hit my head on cement. Bastard.

"You fucking dick! You hit her!" Jack yells at Harry and his gaze turns to me.

"Fuck," his eyes get red. He starts for me but I get up. I struggle but I make it. Everytime he gets closer I back up more. It felt like an abusive man pushed me to the ground. That's how it looked like too and now I'm scared.

"No, no, no, Cherry. Fuck please," he says as I hold my head. I look at my fingers. Blood.

"If you ever come close to me ever again, I'll kill you," I say sharply as I head inside. My heads bleeding. Should I go to the hospital? I see Niall still playing beer pong.

"Niall," I grab his arm.

"Damn, you're bleeding," he looks at my fingers.

"From my head, you need to take me to the hospital," I hold my head.

"Fuck, get in the car," he pulls out his keys from his jeans pocket. "How did this happen?" We head for the entrance.

"Harry," I tell him and he sighs.

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