12 | Rumors

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'I'll return the clothes tomorrow', I say before I get out of his car.

Scott furrowed his eyebrows,'What clothes?'

I gesture to what I'm wearing; a red t-shirt and the same jeans as yesterday,'The ones I took from your guest room'

He let out an exasperated sigh,'Don't be daft. I don't want them. Just keep them'

I straight up my back and nod,'Thanks for the ride. See you at the school'

'Preferably not', he smiled.

I bit my lip and get out. As soon as I closed the door, his car sped off. Why is he such a thoughtful jerk?

As soon as I entered my apartment; I was bombarded by a tsunami of questions by Emily who didn't even take time to greet me.

'So, did it happen?', Emily squeaked as she put on her grey sweater over her pink shirt.

I furrow my eyebrows as my lips curl into a frown,'Did what?'

'You know.... like did he confess that he loves you and shit and doesn't want to be a player anymore and then you guys have some sentimental moment that soon ends up in wild sex', she said.

I widened my eyes in shock,'Breathe child and what the fuck are you on about? That shit happens in movies'

'Books too', she pointed out helpfully.

'Well this ain't no shitty book', I roll my eyes.

She smirked,'Yeah, whatever. Come on, let's go'


'Why is everyone looking at you more so than usual?', Emily hissed into my ear as we entered our campus.

'I don't know', I whisper back. To be honest, I didn't quite care. These people here would make any kind of rumor just for attention and knowing them; it was probably another false rumor.

I noticed Scott, a few steps in front of me; glaring. I freeze on the spot and fiddle with my fingers as he walks over to me.

'You told everyone I let you spend the night with me?', he hissed into my ear.

I widen my eyes at shock,'What? No! I only told Em...' I turn to my side to realize that Emily had left me.

I bite my lip; I really need to talk to her about leaving her friend at the battlefield,'Who isn't here anymore'

He pulls his head back and grunts,'Someone must have noticed me saving you at the party... or is Emily an usual attention hogger to spread the news?'

I huffed,'She is not!'

'Alright, then someone must have seen us at the party', he goes back to his previous thought.

I nod my head sheepishly,'And what do you want to do? Does Veronica know?'

He smirks,'Oh she knows. Just because I protected you in the party, doesn't mean I will from her. She's got claws. And as for what to do... just don't agree with the rumors. Take it out as false. It'll die down'

I nod abruptly,'Alright'

He nods and stalks away; his form disappearing behind the whispering crowd of my fellow student.

I Was Once The Campus Nerd | COMPLETED |Where stories live. Discover now