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Tori walked in with Mary and stood beside her, she saw some of her colleagues there. Janice came and stood beside her a while later. The first thing Tori noticed about Janice was the eyebags and her exhausted look. She gave Janice and encouraging hug, and felt tears ran down the back of her dress.

"Thanks for coming. It means alot to all of us. I've missed you."Janice sobbed.

"It's nothing. We're family. I missed you alot too."Tori replied.

"Come over later. Alex flight is delayed and we could spent the night together. Danny* will also be there." Janice said to her holding her at her elbows. [*Danny is Janice fiancé.]

Tori nodded her head and took hold of Janice's trembeling hand. She gave it and encouraging squeeze and gave her a small smile. Tori thought about Alex,how would he look like? Is he still the nerdy teen he use to be? Or will he be a strong player jock?


(i never went to funerals so sorry.)

Tori entered her car silently. As soon as she entered her car,she wept. She couldn't keep it bottled up. She missed her dad. A while later,she heard he phone ring,

"Hello?"Tori said as strong as she could and tried not to sniff.

"Are u ok? U have been in your car for a long time and haven't move."She heard Janice telling her.

"Ya, i'm fine. I will meet u at the house in a while."she replied.

Janice said bye and they ended their call.

Tori liked herself in the mirror and wiped her eyes. She didn't want Janice knowing she cried as Janice would also start.

She reaced the house or mansion as she called it. She saw Janice's Mercedes and Danny's sleek black bmw parked in the driveway. She parked her car and entered the house. She didn't need to knock as Janice and her dad had reprimanded her the first time she did it saying that she was family and family didn't need to knock.

As she walked pass the white doors,she noticed a blue porche entering the gates. The car parked beside her's and as the owner of the car left the car,Tori gasped at him. She knew for sure she hadn't met him before as she would remember. His shining,smooth black hair was the first thing she took notice of. This body was the second,she noticed the way his muscles moved as he carried his bag in tow behind him. She stood frozen as she notice his clear blue but red shot eyes percing into her big brown ones.


Alex POV

He noticed the sexy yet smart looking women standing infront of his dad's house as he entered the gate. He noticed her staring at him as he took out his bag. He took a once over look and saw her wearing a black dress.

'Maybe she went to the funeral he thought.

He stared into her big brown eyes as he passed her. He smirked and then gave her his bag.

"Janice!Danny!"he called out once he took a few steps into the house.

"In the hall!" his sister replied.


Tori POV

As he shouted for Janice and Danny,Tori broke out of her trance.

'His dreamy smirk' she thought. She smilled goofly and saw his bag infront of her. She ignored it and walked to the hall as she had heard Janice's reply.


Ok. I wrote this on my phone and i know it's short but i will try to make it longer. I will update soon. The next chaper is the info where i write down all the cast in the books and who will play them and how are they connected.


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VOTE if u love Taylor Swift,One Direction,Big Bang and Orange Bread?

Lots of love.

PS,has any of u seen Season 5 of Pretty Little Liars? Should i watch Vampire Diaries?

I want ppl to comment. That's why i ask questions. Pls Even if u say anything. Pls comment amd vote.

This is super crap. Thanks to those who have voted.

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