I felt really nervous about everything going on right now. What's going on in my mind with Declan, what's going on back home with Dylan, and with Norman being nuts. We played some more Black Ops and my mind wondered.

My phone vibrated and I had to catch my breath for a minute. It was a text from Emma.
So does Dylan know you're hanging out with two random guys?

Wtf? How did she know that? Oh crap...I quickly logged onto Facebook to see that Cody had tagged me in the picture along with himself and the other two. He captioned it, 'kicking these three's asses.' Dylan doesn't have Facebook so he wouldn't see it anyways. But would Emma show him?

They aren't random, they are old high school friends?

Does Dylan know?

No, I haven't talked to him. Why?

Are you going to tell him? I mean, you know, he is here still waiting for you to make a decision.

Ok. What the hell. "Hey guys, hold on. I have to make a call." I exited Declan's house. I called Emma. "Emma, what's your deal?"

"I just feel like you may be stringing Dylan along. And you're not talking to other guys are you?"

"What the heck? I told you they're high school buddies?"

"Ginny. I remember Declan was the one you were in love with forever."

I had kinda forgotten that I used to tell her about him and how I drooled over him. "Oh my gosh, that was years ago." Of course I left out the part where I still have some feelings for him. "Are you ok? You have been acting strange to me since I was there last."

"I'm definately not the one acting strange."

"Yes you are! What, do you like Dylan now or something?" My stomach dropped when she stayed silent. "Oh my God, you do, don't you?!"

She sighed. "I'm sorry. I may have developed feelings for him. I couldn't help it when I saw him everyday and we got closer through you. Norman made me feel like crap and Dylan's a good guy."

"Yeah. And he's mine." I hung up on her and immediately called Dylan.

"Hey, baby."

"Hey. So I was right. Emma just told me she has feelings for you."


"Yep. Emma likes you. That's fucking great."

"Well I told you I don't like her like that."

"Yeah, but you guys see each other every day and are best friends apparently."

"I'm sure it's just a crush."

"Hmm. Like I had a crush on you?"

"Yeah it's not the same thing."

"Ugh, whatever. I'm pissed."

"What are you doing?" he asked, trying to change the subject.

Hell, I was already in a mood so I told him the truth. "Hanging out with Hannah and two of my old high school buddies."



He laughed once in a sarcastic tone. "And you're worried about Emma?"

I hung up on him. This night was getting so weird. I heard the door open and Declan had come outside with me. At first I was confused until I saw him light up a cigarette. "You smoke now?"

Declan hung his head in shame a little. "Yeah..." I knew that Dylan smoked but apparently he stopped right before we met, so I never even saw him do it. I realized it was a total turn off. "So, about that date...it is a date, right?"

I took a breath. "I'm seeing someone."

He looked puzzled. "Why didn't you tell me?"

I rubbed my face. "It's long distance right now and we are still trying to figure out what to do. Declan, I've liked you forever. You know that." We had talked about it years ago one time how we liked each other but he was too afraid to make a move and everytime we explained our feelings we were in other relationships and we never got a chance to be in one together.

"Well how serious are you two?"

"I love him." I felt exhausted with all the drama.

"Then why do you say you're still figuring it out? Sounds like you know what you want." I've always liked this about Declan; he's always been a good listener.

"Thats just it though. I don't know what to do."

He flicked his butt. "Do you wanna go around back?" I nodded in agreement. "Ok," he said. He opened the door and stuck his head around the corner, "Hey guys we are gonna talk about some stuff. Go ahead and play, we'll be a couple minutes." He shut the door and I followed him around back to his fenced-in yard. We sat at the outdoor table.

"Ok, so what's going on?" he asked.

I sighed. "He has a job that he makes really good money at, so he doesn't want to move, but he said he would. I have no idea where he would work here. His job can be dangerous, hence why I'm not sure I wanna move there. Especially with what happened. He is thinking about buying a property to start his own business. He asked me if i wanted to work with him, but I don't think I really want to. Ugh, Declan I don't know what to do! I feel like there's so much drama."

"That's not good for there to be that much drama," he said.

"I know. But there's been so much that's happened to us. It's not really our fault. We're kinda in the middle of it all."

"So long distance isn't an option?"

"I don't want it to be. It sucks."

"Well you know you can try living there for a while. If it doesn't work out then you can come back home. And finally go on a date with me," he added last minute and laughed.

"You're right. I'm scared to take the plinge. I was also kind of waiting to see if I got this dentist job."

"Well what's more important to you? Getting the job or being with this guy. Which you never bothered to say his name yet," he chuckled

"Dylan," I grinned. I felt so tired. Tired of everything.

Ok, getting the job or being with Dylan?" he restated.

"Dylan," I finally said.

"There's your answer then I guess."

He was right but I still felt unsure of everything else. I stood up and hugged Declan. I felt more like friends and less like crushes, which made me feel better about hanging out with him without Dylan. "Thank you," I said.

"Hey, no problem."

"I think I'm gonna see if Hannah will take me home. I feel so tired and I have a lot of crap to think about."

We rose from the table and went back around to the front door. We stepped back inside and HOLY

Hannah and Cody were on the couch literally making out! "What the hell?" My jaw dropped.

They pulled apart quickly. "Oh my God," I said. We all laughed, but it was so awkward. "Hey I'm ready to go," I told her. She grabbed her keys, we bid our goodbyes, and we left. I made her spill about her makeout sesh. "Ok, what in the world."

She grinned from ear to ear. "What?" she asked all innocently.

"How the heck did that even happen?" I was so shocked because Cody was definitely not her type. Cody had long brown hair that was never washed the best, and it was always in his eyes. He was a gamer dude. She was more into nerds (not of the gamer genre).

She shrugged. "I don't know. It got really quiet and awkward and we started looking at each I guess. It just kinda happened." She continued to tell me Cody made the first move but she's not sure if she would want to try and date him. It was nice to focus on someone else's drama for a change. Hannah droppe me off and I went in. Mom and dad were in their bedroom watching TV. I let them know I was home and was going to bed.

As I layed there, I decided that tomorrow I would make a pro and con list to help with my decision. At least that way I would have a visual aid.

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