You Are The Only Exception

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Making love with Dylan felt so right. Afterwards, we dressed and went for a walk out in the green pasture behind my house. We held hands and it was as if our past issues dissolved. I loved being with him, but the issue had to be discussed. I started, "Dylan. What's going to happen?"

He looked back at me. "With us?"

I looked back at the field in front of us. "Yeah."

"I guess we need to figure it out. All I know is that I want to be with you."

"I don't know about long-distance though. I don't know if I can do that."

"I don't really want to do that either. I mean, I could. If it meant being with you."

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Well, hey, I brought clothes. I can stay for a couple days if you want; if your parents are ok with it. We can figure it out if you want."

I nodded again and directed him back to the house so I could call my folks and let them know we had a visitor.

Mom was excited and happy for me that Dylan was here. Dad just said "Cool" and they allowed him to stay. He said the couch was fine with him which was good, because we didn't have an extra bedroom. Although I was an adult, I was still under their roof and I didn't want to bring up him sleeping with me. Awkward...

So that night, we all decided to go out for pizza at our favorite joint. We went in and sat at a booth. All was fine until I heard a familiar voice ask us how we were doing. My heart stopped beating as my eyes darted to our waitress. "Hi, Hannah! How're you?" Mom asked pleasantly.

Hannah answered with a smile. "Great!"

"Did you and Ginny have fun last night?" Mom asked expectantly.

Oh shit. Trying not to be too noticeable, I pleaded with Hannah when she met my eyes, only a hint of confusion. She tucked her blonde curly hair behind her ear and her pretty blue eyes turned back to mom. She smiled. "Yes we did!"

Phew! A sigh of relief passed over me. After that, everything went back to normal. We placed our order and Hannah brough us our drinks. We laughed and had a good time. When we were leaving, I told mom and dad to go ahead I was going to say bye to Hannah. Dylan went outside with them. I approached Hannah who was cleaning off a table in the back. I went in for a hug. It had been too long of a while since we talked, even though she was one of my best friends. "Thank you," I breathed in her ear. I pulled back. "I owe you one."

"That's ok," she said. "But I do expect you to hang out with me soon and tell me where you really were!" There was a hint of a motherly tone in her voice. "We need to catch up! And you need to tell me about that cutie batooty you were with!" She played, flipping her wrist. I told her I would like that and I would text her soon. I went back outside and hopped in the car. Then when we came home later that night, mom and dad retreated to their bedroom and left us to watch movies on the couch in the living room.

Meanwhile, Dylan and I talked on and off about our options. "I can get us a place and you could find a job in White Pine Bay."

"But I don't really know if I want to live there, Dylan. I don't feel safe there. There are too many freaks and dangerous people. I know you make really good money, but I always worry about you. And I don't know if moving in is a good idea."

I'd never really been one for moving in with someone. I was traditional in that aspect and reserved that for marriage. I wasn't keen on playing house unless it was the real deal.

"Then maybe I could find a job here somewhere. It would be good for me to get away."

"I wouldn't want you to have to leave your job if you like it. Plus, you make way too much money to throw that away."

"Ginny, you're more important. Hell, we could leave Oregon if you wanted to. Go somewhere completely new for both of us." I kind of liked the idea of that.

"Where would you want to go?" I asked, suddenly excited.

He thought about it for a moment. "Maybe the East Coast, or the MidWest. I don't know, what about you?"

"I don't know!"

I smiled back at him and squeezed his hand, snuzzling my nose in his arm. I loved the way he smelt. He continued, "You think about it. Let me know when you have a good idea. Or several." He let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me in closer.

A little while later, I decided to go to bed. I kissed Dylan and lingered there, not wanting to pull away from him, but eventually doing so. He smiled at me. "Goodnight, babe. Sweet dreams," he said and winked at me.

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