Love Letters

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A few days pass and Harry has not left my side. I don't think he's talked civilly to Ron since the initial incident. 

Malfoy hasn't been far either. Either at my side when Harry couldn't, a step or two ahead running interference, or a step behind looking like he's going to hex anyone who dares whisper anything of the incident in question.

Potions was no exception. Somehow, the whole dungeon was on my side, so Malfoy ran interference for the walk down. Which was a good thing.

Ron was waiting at the door, he skipped his first couple of classes yet stupidly decided this was the class to take.

"'Mione, I need to speak with you." He began.

Malfoy was in front of me with a protective arm behind him, holding gently onto my arm, and Harry was at his shoulder in a blink.

"Ron, I don't think this is the best time." Harry said smoothly.

"When then bloody hell? She's my girlfriend Harry! No one is letting me near her."

"Are you bloody thick Weasel?" Malfoy questioned. "You haven't seen her in days, after you scream at her and pretty much accuse her of doing something she didn't in front of the school, tell her that that two of you are 'through', make a fool of yourself at dinner when all my house did was support her, but now you expect her to come back? What the hell?"

"Shut it Malfoy." It came out as almost a mumble from Ron's mouth.

I touch Harry's shoulder and he silently leads us into the class.

I take a seat in the front row, never expecting to have Harry on one side and Malfoy on the other, I don't think either of them have sat in the front row of Potions in all the years we have been here. Ron tried to sit as close to me as possible, but the closest available is either 2 rows back thanks to my housemates and surprisingly the Slytherins, or next to Malfoy. He decided to sit in the back of the class instead, at the opposite end, and just glared at me all through class.

I was kept in this protective bubble for the remainder of the week.

By the time Friday rolled around, I had completed all my homework and was getting a good jump start on the weekend's studying. Without having to do Ron's homework, or at least explain to him what was gone over in class two or three times, I was much more efficient. I sat a number of reading books on the desk in the library and pondered which one to start with for the weekend's reading.

A note dropped on my desk.

Granger, I'm here if you ever need me. The door is open if you need to talk, cry or anything. That includes punching Weasel. You know the password. Don't work too hard Beautiful. ~ DM

It was something that was honest and touching. I caught myself smiling at it. In the months Ron and I were dating, I never received something so simply kind and caring as this.

Looking around I don't see him anywhere. All week he hadn't been far from me, not in a stalker or hovering way. But now he's not anywhere to be found in the library.

Grabbing my three books and tucking the note away, I turn to go get dinner. I plan on reading during dinner and then maybe go to the common room afterwards. Otherwise I will hide in my dormitory again.

Mid-dinner a number of notes come flying into the hall, all landing in front of eighth years: You are cordially invited to an end of week party tonight. Black Lake. Masquerade theme - masks mandatory. 8pm Until We're Shut Down. No house colors allowed.

Bloody hell, not another party.

Harry looks at me, "You don't have to go. Not after last week."

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