Never Choose Dare

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Word of Caution: Never, ever, accept a dare from Draco Malfoy. Or to that reasoning, Blaise Zabini. And if both are smirking, you know you're in trouble.

The special class - the class that came to Hogwarts in 1991 and are now in our special eight year - is having a late night party. Again. Personally if it weren't for my friends and classmates, I would not have come tonight. There are parties all the time, so missing one wouldn't hurt. We are mere months away from our NEWTs.

But drug to this party, I am. I mean we did beat Slytherin, so Gryffindor house needs to unwind and this was in our honor, put on by the loser.

'R.o.R at 0030. No ???s. BYOD'

I might be the brightest witch of our age, but I needed help translating that cryptography. It was a cross between Muggle military, text, and who knows.

Anyways I was taken, not by choice, to the party. I brought some Muggle fizzy soda (for some reason many of the purebloods are addicted to them) and a few butterbeers. My boyfriend along with my best guy friend bought a few bottles of firewhiskey. Sometimes I think Potter is turning into his father and godfather all balled into one.

I survived a much of the night, I hid behind my boyfriend, feigning to be asleep, when I heard it. The all too familiar voice of the ferret: "Granger. Truth or Dare?"

Sitting up, glaring at him, "Fine, I know your truths, and I don't trust you. I'll take a dare; you know I can handle pretty much anything you throw at me Malfoy. But I'm tired, so it might even your odds."

Looking back, I would have been much safer with a truth.

"Okay, you say you're tired. Spend a night in my bed."

"EXCUSE ME!" Me and the my friends all exclaimed, now either wide awake or sobered up.

"You heard me Granger. I won't do anything, unless you want me to." He teased with his ever cocky one eyebrow raised and his trademark smirk plastered on his lips.

"But but... damn it." I resigned, laying back down where I was hiding behind Ron. I know if I change my mind, there are too many 'truths' I really don't want the whole class to know. This war took its toll on me, and there are too many memories that flood my brain nightly that the rest of the class doesn't need to know. I don't want them to know how many nights I wake up screaming or why.

"No 'Mione, don't. There has to be an out." Harry tried to scour his brain but with the amounts of firewhiskey consumed, there wasn't much help.

"Potter, I'm helping the girl out. I'm offering her a comfortable bed for the rest of the night to sleep in. And someone to cuddle up to," he snickered. "Someone not Weasel."

"I doubt that they even snuggle Draco," Blaise Zabini chided. "I don't think Weasel is really the spooning type. He reminds me of more of the 'two minutes and done, then I'm drooling, pushing her off the bed, asleep type'."

I am still weighing my options, which are fewer than Harry having to go and have the horcrux in him killed by Voldemort and technically dying himself. And being honest with myself, I don't know what 'kind' of guy Ron is; even though we've been dating for about 5 months we haven't even slept in the same bed. It's been a kiss here and there - hell after 5 months they should be in the hundreds, but I can almost count them on two hands - and they weren't full of excitement and passion that our first one was. But how many people can say their first kiss was in the Chamber of Secrets in the middle of a war after destroying a bloody horcrux?

"Fine, let's get this over with." I lament.

I really am tired, especially at the end of the party. Malfoy leads me down to the Slytherin dormitories and mutters the password, loud enough that I can hear.

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