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1. give her give a warm hug in a soft and romantic way, use it once a day, everyday.

Harry furrows his eyebrows at the page, reading the first page of the so called manual. He wasn't the type of guy to be extremely doting, except when he was jealous, all because he felt embarrassed. It was natural for him to be touchy all around, but when he's being intentional with his actions, it's a mess of "What do I do now!" 

The brunette looked around the book store, making sure no paparazzi, no fans, no shop clerks, were watching him. Maybe not the last one, but he already felt his face burn holding the damn thing. Slowly, he pulls apart the paper, inspecting the book. It was mostly filled with short sentences per page, not too in depth but enough for him to understand the general idea of what he needed to do.

This is what those people on Tumblr would read! What am I doing! Harry thinks to himself, physically sighing as he flings the book to his side. He stares at the ceiling, contemplating life for a bit.

There was no purpose for him to be reading this book, in his opinion, but he was still doing it. Niall made up for both of their levels of affection. The Irish boy would cuddle into Harry's side and they'd lay there for hours, talking. He'd brew tea, make cookies, and overall bring a light to the British man's life.

However, despite all the good things Niall has done, Harry took a moment last night in bed that he never attempted to initiate any of these cute things. It ended up eating his soul that he wasn't contributing to their relationship as much as Niall was.

What started off as a trip to the book store to buy some candles for a bath and wholesome sex because, folks, that's Harry's solution to everything, turned into standing in the corner of the room with a tiny book that dictates the basic needs for treating someone "right." The brunette looked like he was hiding drugs in his trench coat with how secretive he was being. Whether it was his self esteem eating away as he was in public buying a book about love or his dilemma involving his relationship, these factors possibly combined to turn him into a mess of suspiciousness.

Taking another sigh, he brings it back up to his eyes.

2. when your eyes meet with her soft eyes, smile
and talk to her, "hey, what's up beauty?" to make her laugh.

Harry wanted to barf. It was too innocent for his eyes for him to comprehend that he'd actually do any of this stuff.

"Sir?" A calm voice chimes behind him, full of concern.

The Englishman jumped, whipping around to hide the book behind him and facing the owner of the bookshop. "Uh," clears throat, "Yes?"

"You've been idling here for quite a while," the shopkeeper says, slight confusion in her tone seeing how cautious Harry was being. "I wanted to know if you needed any help?"

"Uh," clears throat, again. "Yes, I want to buy this book." He waves it in the air and wants to curse himself for blushing at nothing.

"Right..." she trails off. "Follow me and I can ring up your purchase."

He nods, awkwardly moving his limbs to her cash register.

No turning back now.

Harry heads home, keeping his head down as he walks to the apartment. Once he gets to the door, it opens immediately, showing a smiling blond boy and his beautiful blue eyes. He's in a beige sweater and black jeans, he just looked warm.

"Hey, what's up beauty?" It comes out of his mouth on instinct, his stupid grin plastered on his face.

Are. You. Kidding. Me. Harry let's out a series of curses in his head as he stares at his boyfriend, waiting for a response.

Niall crinkled his eyes, letting out a laugh, stepping forward to hit Harry's chest. "You're a dork. Get in here."

Harry relaxes his shoulders, softening his smile and walks in past Niall. The smell of autumn filling his nose. It was warm and he immediately felt cozy. Candles were lined up on counters and the lighting was dim. It wasn't a mood for sexual endeavors, but warmth.

Quickly, Harry turns around to the Irishman, scaring him a little at the quick movement.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Niall jokes, shutting the door.

As soon as the sound of a click was heard, Harry approached the smaller boy in a slow manner.

"Harry?" He asks, getting nervous that he was being cornered.

The British man engulfs him in a hug with no words. Tight arms wrapping around the other's chest.

Niall chuckles, hugging him back with arms across Harry's back. "If you wanted a hug you could've just asked, babe."

"I love you?" Harry attempts the romance part, gritting his teeth in a stressed way as if this was the most complicated thing in his life.

Niall turns his head so it's leaning against the brunette's chest, listening to his heartbeat. It made the Irishman want to sleep at how nice the environment is. "Love you, too."

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