Yet another boring day

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I walk downstairs sleepily as every step feels like concrete. My hair is messy and in a bun on top of my head, my pjs are old and bright pink and I'm wearing my favourite odd socks.
I get to the bottom of the stairs and suddenly stop breathing. I glance at the table that looks perfectly set out for two.
"Good morning kiddo" My Dad says with a smiling grin.
"Dad!" I shout.
He walks up and hugs me "Didn't you realise that I could see you today?"
I hug back tightly "I forgot! I've missed you so much!"

Before I was born dad was sent to prison. No one has ever told me why but I only get to see him every 10 months. Even though he visits, it's not only him that comes. He has to be accompanied by 2 guards as well.
When I was young he used to make up story's about how they were his sidekicks and that they helped him in secret missions. However, now I know the reason why they're with him.

"I've made your favourite, Pancakes!" Dad said while picking up two plates loaded full.
"Whoah really, You made these?" I said surprisingly as I never knew he could cook.
He places them on the table and glances at the 2 men in the hallway, he coughs "privacy?"
The men step away but still close by.
I start to munch on the pancakes as I look at dad silently.
He too is eating the pancakes and says "how's your brother nowadays?"
"He's good, still having trouble working the washing machine, but he's definitely getting better at ironing" I chuckle slightly.
He sighs "and he's looking after you well?"
I stop eating "yes, he is" I say bluntly.
"Maybe you should get a carer..." he says rubbing his head.
I clench my fist "just because you don't like him doesn't mean that he can't take care of me!" I say in a slightly annoyed tone.
"Yeah right, I've seen dogs look after people better than him" his face smeared with a threatening smile.
I bash my fist on the table angrily "how do you know, you haven't been here."
He stops, stands up, picks up the plates and leans against the door frame.
"Maybe your just annoyed because he cares for me more than you ever will!" I glare at him.
He quickly stomps forwards and lifts his hand up ready to slap but as he does so one of the guards gets in front of me.
"Stop! Your time is up!" The man shouts while cuffing the aggressive thing I call my father.

As they walk out the door I stay still in the chair, still shaking with fear. A tear falls as I remember my mother and that, before she died, she used to be just like my brother.

I stand up and gulp as I walk back upstairs and look in my bedroom.
I hear my phone ringing.

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