Welcome Home

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I've been in the hospital for 3 days now and we are getting released today

J: babe you got everything you need

E: yep, we've just gotta pack up sign out and leave

J: sound like a plan to me

E: I've gotta feed them real quick and then we can get the nurse to sign us out

J: ok, I'm going to take the bags and things to the car and then come back up

E: ok

Erika started to feed the boys and Jake took the stuff down when he got back he buzzed for the nurse and she came

N: are you ready for the papers

J: we are

N: alright I will go get them

J: thank you

Jake sits down to Erika and the nurse comes back a few minutes later with the papers

N: ok I just need one of you to come and sign a few papers and then you are free to go

J: ok

Jake gets up and walks over to the nurse and signs the papers and then she leaves

J: as soon as they're done and we've changed them we can leave

E: you got it I think Ashton is done is you wanna take him

Jake grabs Ashton and burps him and then changes his diaper and then his clothes and hold him until Paxton gets done

E: ok he's done too can you grab him as well

J: sure

Jake takes Paxton in the other arm and lays them both on the bed and changes him and then he goes and gives them back to Erika so he can go to the bathroom real quick. Jake takes a picture first and Erika post it on instagram and captions in "we're ready to leave"

A few minutes later Jake came out of the bathroom and they put the babies in their carseats and then Jake picked them both up and Erika picked up the diaper bag and they left

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A few minutes later Jake came out of the bathroom and they put the babies in their carseats and then Jake picked them both up and Erika picked up the diaper bag and they left.

R: bye guys and congrats again

E: thank you goodbye... for good

R: have a good one

J: you too

Jake and Erika went out to the Tesla and Jake put the carseats in and then Erika got in the passenger seat since their is no middle seat and Jake got in the drivers seat. The kids were at Laurens for the night so that Jake and Erika could get settled in and get the babies settled in.

E: welp I guess it's time to head home

J: Yep lets take our boys home

E: I love you

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