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Chiara: uh.. I made us dinner, I think you're pretty hungry
Logan: oh yeah I'm starving

I go to the kitchen and got us two plates with food. I put one on his side and the other one on my side

Logan: wow. You cooked this?
Chiara: yep
Logan: damn, it looks delicious..

I giggled

Almost as delicious as you- •

Omg no Chiara STOP!

Chiara: oh thanks

As we ate we talked about random stuff..

As we finally finished we went to my living room

Logan: this place is really big
Chiara: I love it because it's so beautiful..
Logan: it's almost beautiful as you

Awh that made my heart melt

Chiara: thanks

I chuckled •

I sat down on the couch, being followed by Logan

Chiara: you wanna watch a movie?
Logan: um yeah.. sure

He sat down next to me as I turned my tv on. We were both pretty much focused on the movie..

As I wanted to say something and I turned around, rising Logan asleep

How cute..

As I always had a folded blanket on the couch I slowly covered him with it. As I slowly rested my head on his chest going under the blanket..

I again focused on the movie, while I actually felt safe for once..

One NightKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat