Chapter Five - The Games We Play

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The battle between me and Tieya was back and forth she'd do one thing and I'd do the next. One always winning over the other. Jordan wanted me just to ignore it but how could I ignore her calling me out and since I couldn't fight her I could ruin her life slowly. I wasn't going to lost and I had inside news to keep up on Tieya's plans. I got in trouble so much I didn't really get to see Jordan so for one week I decided not to fight back. I let Tieya get in all the trouble so I could see him. It was hard. Tieya had started roomers, lied, and almost made me slap her but I had will power. I just made throw the week so I could go out on Friday night to see Jordan.  We met at the usual spot where we were alone and no one could find us. I had alot on my mind and wasn't really listening to Jordan. 

"Ciara!" Jordan yelled getting my focus.

"Yeah." I said to him.

"Your not even paying attention to me." He said

"Im sorry baby, I just have alot on my mind." I told him.

"Like how your going to get back at Tieya. I know that you haven't done anything all week, just so you could see me." 

"Yeah, I missed you. I didn't get to see you last week because of her. I think Im letting her win." I told him.

"Just give up and you wont have to win."

"If I give up she wont stop, you gotta fight fire with fire."

"Then you'll get one big fire and I dont think you can handle that."  

"Trust me I can and Im a big girl, I'll learn my leason the hard way." 

"Right. Maybe you should go with Tieya. She's got your attention more then I do." I couldn't believe Jordan said that. He was acting like such a girl. He got up and walked back to the dock. I followed him.

"Fine." I sighed as we came to the dock. "I'll give up." I hated him for making me have to stop and let her win but if I didn't she would of got what she wanted. Jordan came over to me and gave me a kiss. 

"Thank you!" He smiled.

"Yeah whatever."  I walked back to the group. When I got back to my room Shayla ran to the door.

"You've seen Jordan, now what are we going to do to get back at Tieya?" She asked me excitedly.

"Nothing." I sighed.

"What?" As I sat on my bed.

"I promised Jordan I'd quit and Im not a liar." 

"Really your going to let Jordan tell you what to do?" She asked

"He just wants us to stop before we do something bad or take it too fair."  I told her

"Now your letting JORDAN call the shots? Its his ex he wants to help her not you." She relied

"You want me to think that." I went into the bathroom and closed the door. I got in the shower and put on my Pj's and layed in my bed. Shayla shook her head at me. 

"What now?" I asked her

"Your really not going to do anything, all because of Jordan. I know you have a plan that you've been waiting to do." She said to me.

"I do but I made a promise."

"Who says Jordan has to know?" Shayla said to me with a sneaky grin on her face. I agreed with her. As long as Jordan didnt know eveything was good. The next morning Shayla and I got up early to do some dirty work. We snuck out of our room and went to our first period classroom. Tieya sat in  the same seat everyday. She'd fall asleep on her desk after ten mintues of class. 

Shayla put clear clue on top of the desk, so that when she layed down she'd get stuck. I put glue on the seat and we ran back to our room. This was only the beginning I gave her a week of free payback, now it was my turn and I was going to get her good. In our first period class Tieya did just as everyday, slept. At the end of class one of the girls tried to wake up her up. When she tried to get up she couldnt without the desk on her butt and her arm stuck on her desk. Everybody laughed. Tieya looked at me and a smirked. 

Later that day I got into the main office and got a look at Tieya's recordes. Everything was there, and I remembered it all. It took hours for the teachers to get Tieya unstuck from her desk and chair. To me it was hilarious, i got plantey of pictures. The next day I got her so mad she started a food fight. That got her on lock down for the rest of the week which made me happy.

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