The Rogue Galra (Ch.7)

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"Lance... I'm scared." Hunk said. We were both imprisoned in these cells on their spacecraft. Hunk was in the cell right across from mine.
"Don't worry Hunk, we'll get out of here." I told him. If this was a regular cell I would've leaned up against the metal bars by now. But it wasn't an ordinary jail cell. There was a static energy force field keeping me from freedom. "Hey you ugly furries, or whatever you Galra are! How the hell did you stinkin' mutts find us in the middle of a dessert!?!" I asked. The Galra guarding my cell, who hasn't said anything in over thirty minutes finally decided to speak up.
"We have a secret base located near the area and we happened to detect an unauthorized aircraft within the vicinity. You two were just unfortunate enough to stumble into our territory." He said, his voice so low pitched and frightening. It could've been like that because of the Galra mask he was wearing, which probably altered his real voice. But for now it sounded terrifying, like it belonged to some grim reaper.
I crossed my arms. "Ok you caught us! You can let us go now we won't ever wander into your stupid territory ever again."
The Galra laughed maniacally. "Do you think I'd actually let you go? I was planning on taking you to the main arena and selling you good for nothing humans. You can be gladiators for our entertainment before you die a horrific death."
Hunk squealed in terror. "I don't want to be some sort of gladiator! I DON'T WANT TO DIE A HORRIFIC DEATH!!! Lance you're a paladin, you've faced these guys before! Break out of here and beat that guy up already!"
"Paladin?" The Galra repeated, showing an interest for the word.
"Hunk!!!" I hissed under my breath. He shouldn't have said that. This Galra going to kill me.
"Yah! My best friend Lance over there is gonna kick. Your. Ass. He's got this cool bayard and everything, he's gonna shoot this whole place up like the cool sharpshooter he is." Hunk said in a cocky manner.
With every word Hunk said my heart started to beat ten times faster. I started to sweat anxiously. "HUNK. STOP." I hissed louder.
The Galra raised his gun at me defensively. "You? A paladin of Voltron?" He couldn't believe someone like me could be a paladin.
I backed away from him defensively till my back was up against the wall of my cell. "A paladin? Of Voltron? Never heard that before!!! Hunk is sort of delusional when his life is being threatened... I have no idea what he's talking about."
"LANCE!!!" Hunk yelled from his cell. "SHUT UP AND JUST SHOOT THIS GUY ALREADY!"
The Galra raised his gun at the level of my face. "So you are a paladin of Voltron."
I held my breath and clutched my fist, preparing for the worst. I'm going to die in a different reality. I'm really going to die this time. I thought. The Galra aimed his gun, his finger on the trigger, but before he pulled the trigger he directed it's aim towards some sort of electrical wiring powering the cell's energy field. He shot at it, and the field flickered off.
"I guess you humans are good for something after all." He said. "Do you know how to shoot?"
I stood there stunned and frozen in place, barely comprehending what had just happened. I truly thought for a moment I was going to die.
"HEY PALADIN." He growled. "Snap out of it. Can you shoot this thing or not?" He handed me his gun. I managed to nod my head. "Good." He took out what looked like a dagger. "Here's the plan. We kill all the Galra on this ship and I help you get to your lion."
"Kill?" I uttered.
"Come on." He said as he freed Hunk. He then continued forward and led us to the main deck on the spacecraft. As we followed him Hunk looked to me.
"Do you trust this guy?" He whispered into my ear.
"No. But he spared our lives and he's our best bet." I whispered back.

*Warning to sensitive people: next scene kind of violent/graphic*
Once we reached the main deck the rogue Galra soldier started to go ballistic. I was on the side helping him, shooting at other Galras but not necessarily killing him. It was the rogue Galra who killed them off one by one. He was like an angel of death, taking their lives. He sliced their throats, stabbed at their guts, even stabbing out their the eyes till the blood running down from them ran down their throats and drowned them. The sight was so horrific that me and Hunk looked away at times, but hearing the blood curdling screams of the Galra being silenced with a sound of a swift slice of the blade will haunt me and Hunk's memories for life.

When the damage was done the rogue Galra put the spacecraft into auto pilot, since he did kill off the pilot and co-pilot. Me and Hunk stared at the murder scene in horror.
"Did... did you really need my help?" I asked, almost puking in my mouth when the dense and metallic stench of blood hit me like a brick wall.
"Of course I need you're help. You're a paladin of Voltron. If I find the rest of the paladins together you guys can take down the Galra empire."
Hunk couldn't bare the sights around him. "I'm thankful you sparred our lives and all but you're an absolute monster. You didn't need to brutally murder all of them like that! Aren't they you're own kind!?!"
The rogue Galra came up to Hunk and held the knife to his throat. "I'm not the monster. I am NOT one of them. They are the monster." He snapped. "Why did I even spare your life? You are not a paladin."
"Whoa whoa take it easy there. He is a paladin of Voltron." I took a step closer, trying to diffuse the situation, but the closer I got the better look I got of the knife. That knife. I stared at it intently, recognizing it in a heartbeat. That's Keith's knife.
"Where'd you get that?" I asked as I pointed to his knife, the knife that bared the exact same markings and shape as Keith's.
The soldier looked taken aback, wondering why his knife became relevant all of a sudden. "That is none of your business." He replied hastily.
"It is to! That knife belongs to my friend Keith. Is he alive!?! I need to know where he is." I said desperately.
The Galra lowered his knife from Hunk's neck and approached me. I didn't know what he was thinking, or what he was about to do next. For a second I thought he was going to pull that knife on me for asking too many questions. But instead he stood in front of me and took off his mask to reveal who he really was.

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