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mia's pov 

i was really looking forward to staying in and watching netflix tonight but i decided it was better to get ready than to have auston drag me to his place looking like a rat infront of mitch. i'm a really big hockey fan believe it or not, but i've never been particularly impressed by mitch marner. i mean yeah sure the kid's got talent but he seems pretty dull. i started getting ready by putting on a comfortable and casual outfit. i put on a pair of black leggings, ankle socks and a very oversized grey nike hoodie. i took my hair out of the braids it had been in for the whole day and brushed it. once i was happy with the way it was, i put on a little make up. i put on concealer to cover my dark circles and imperfections, mascara, highlight and bronzer. once i was ready, i ate a banana quickly and watched some youtube videos on my phone while i waited for auston to show up. a couple videos later i got a text from auston.


your uber has arrived. hurry up loser

i didn't bother replying. i just grabbed my phone and keys and locked to door to my apartment. since i was on the first floor, i didn't have to take to elevator or go down any stairs. it was late spring/almost the beginning of summer but since i was spending the night at auston's i wore something i could sleep in. it was really bright outside so i ran right to auston's car and sat in the front seat.

"ok hi. i'm glad you wore what you did because we have a slight problem." auston said.

"what might that be?" i said interested.

"vicki just called me and the air condition/heating system at my place broke. the ac is blasting so it's kind of chilly." auston said without taking his eyes off the road.

"oh well that's ok! your place is always like 27 degrees anyways. plus it's nothing that a few blankets and sweaters can't fix!" i said cheerfully. 

i tried to look at the best in every situation, and this wasn't that bad. we pulled into the parking garage at auston's building and i started making my way to his condo. he caught up pretty fast after he locked the car. the door was open so i let myself in. 

"mia!!" vicki shouted as she saw me.

vicki is my best friend. we've known each other since time. when we used to live together, she came home with auston one night after finding him at a club. i couldn't sleep at all that night. since then i've became pretty close friends with auston too. i've grown to become pretty good friends with the team members that i've met as well. primarily william and nazem though. 

"vicki!!" i shouted in reply.

vicki ran up to me and engulfed me in a big hug. we sat on the couch and wrapped up in a blanket each in front of the tv that had the jay's game on. we began talking as if we haven't seen each other in a month when the last time we hung out was 3 nights ago. auston sat on the chair across from us and started texting someone with the occasional eye roll.

"mitch zooming marner has arrived!" a man said while barging through the door.

"shit it's cold in here!" the male who i'm assuming is mitch said.

"dude no shit it's cold. i told you to dress warm and you said 'okay'" auston spoke.

vicki chuckled as she got up to grab one of auston's hoodies for mitch.

"marns, this is mia. she's a good friend of me and vicki. she plays soccer at uoft, is a lifeguard and is just as childish as you." auston said introducing me to mitch.

"am not!" i whined at auston.

"hi, i'm mia." i said turning to face mitch.

"nice to meet you! what position do you play?" mitch asked.

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