Chapter 4

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"It is time to get up."

"Go away."

"Come on Raya." Kyle annoys me as he is bouncing on my bed.

"I am going to kill you."  I mumble into my pillow as I bury my face into the softness.

"What? I didn't hear you."

"Kyle! I am going to kill you if you don't get the hell out of here now."

Kyle laughs making me want to kill him more.  "You are going to be late for work."

"What time is it?"


"SHIT!" I exclaim shooting up out of bed, tripping and falling on my ass on the floor with a thug.  "Mother Fuck."  I say as I push the messy bed hair out of my face.

"Such lovely language on a lady."

"Who said I was ever a lady."  I glare at him with clenched teeth.  "Why are you just waking me now?  You know what time I work, you think you would of woken me earlier."

Kyle shrugs his shoulders. "I just got home your awkwardness." he teases me. "You are so graceful."

"Shut it." I bitch tearing a brush threw my unruly hair, I twits up into a messy bun on the very of my  head. "You need to get out, I need to dress."

"Not like I haven't seen you before." He smirks

"Ugh Kyle really?" I groan at the memory of him walking in on me in the shower a few months back. He was such a smug bastard.

Kyle sat on my bed smiling.  "Isn't today your day off?" he asks smirking.

"I am going to fucking kill you."  I yell as  I lung myself at him, sending him flying back on the bed, sI managed to stay on top of him.  "You are an ass."

"I so love doing that to you.  I get you at least once a month.  You are so funny."  He is laughing so hard at me, pisses me off even more.  "Get off."

He laughs and shoves me off, I go flying off of him and onto my back on the bed next to him.

"What is time is it really?"

"Same time but just on you day off, I let you sleep most of the day.  You looked exhausted when you came home.  I felt bad for you." he says as he turns his head to look at me.

"What do you want to do tonight? It is Friday evening." He asks as his eyes search my face, trying to figure out if I still want to kick his ass.

"Where are all your lawyer friends."

"mmmmh dunno." He shrugs and sits up. "So what are we doing tonight?"

"I am staying in, I don't want to go anywhere."

"This is why you are single."

I roll my eyes at him..  "I like being single."


"Where is your woman?  Are you not single?"

Kyle sighs.  "We are not talking about me."

I stand up and grab some clothes to put on realizing I am starving.

  "We can go out to eat if that will make you happy.  I am starving and I don't feel like cooking."

"That dose make me happy.  Where are we going?"

"Wanna walk through the park and up to Time square, it was take at least a forty five minute walk, will pass the time and just pick someplace up around there."

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