Chapter 1

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"It seems we have a couple of students going for UA, this year" my teacher hummed. I clenched my fist to hide my absolute terror at him reading out my name.

I had kept my quirk a secret. Thankfully, the school didn't check for quirks. They just watched the students. So even the teacher didn't know of my quirk. However, because I was 'quirkless', I was relentlessly bullied.

"Hmm, Azumi, you're trying for UA too?" The teacher perked up. It was silent for a couple seconds as all eyes turned to me, causing me to sink further into my chair. And suddenly the whole room was filled with the laughter of my classmates, while my teacher sighed at their immaturity. 

"Like you could ever make it into UA!" A male cackled, making another round of laughter escape the lips of the children surrounding me. A small sigh escaped my lips, my eyes turning to the window.

Of course, they didn't know that I got in by recommendation, and put it down for convenience. However, I didn't answer my classmates, because I preferred their ignorance to my strength. Because a certain question brought me so much confusion and anger at the same time.

'What is your quirk?'

It was such a simple question, only 4 words that was so normal within society. And yet those words in that sequence brought me absolute dread. My father, once a famous hero, was known for his unique power, before he turned into a villain. Now, his unique quirk is used for the wrong intentions. I had inherited this quirk, however I never used it, because society would shame me. Instead I relied on my mother's quirk, which worked out just fine for me.

Let me explain, the quirk I use, 'space jump', is extremely powerful. And paired up with my extensive knowledge on hand to hand combat, and weaponry use, I was practically indestructible in battle for around a minute at tops. When ever I open a portal, it's like dragging your fingers across concrete. Also, the longer I spend on the 'other side', the more my consciousness is sapped.

However, in my life, where I hid from my more powerful quirk and the media following my father, I was determined to become a hero. I wanted to prove to people that children aren't replicas of their parents. I was my father's legacy, but I was going to prove to him that becoming a villain was the wrong choice. That saving people's lives is worth our own.

With these thoughts running through my mind, I had completely zoned out the onslaught of insults thrown at me. Just as I began to zone back in, the teacher had finally calmed them down and quickly moved onto a new topic. He had moved onto math's, and I already knew what he was talking about. So I once again zoned out, deciding that the window was much more proficient in entertaining my bored self.

~Time skip~

"Come in" a slightly squeaky voice called.

I slid the door open, muttering a quick 'excuse me' under my breath as I stepped into the room. With a quick glance around the room, I found that it looked like any regular principal's office, except that the principle was a white bear with a large scar over his face.

"Hmm? How can I help you?" He asked, clasping his stuffed animal like fingers.

"Sorry to disturb you sir, but I'll be applying for this school next year" I said.

"Ah, so bribery?" He smirked. I hurriedly shook my head, making an x out of my arms.

"No! I wouldn't dare!" I denied. A small chuckle escaped his lips as he gestured to the chair across from his desk.

"Please, sit down" He said. I nodded, walking over quietly and sitting on the end of the chair, my nerves hitting me hard.

"What can I help you with?" He asked, smiling softly. I gulped, my terror running through me like a shockwave. Regret flooded me, and I felt like running away. But that would be unsightly, and wouldn't give me a very 'heroic' persona.

"Sir, before I reveal my intentions of visiting you today. I have one simple question to ask" I began, hesitating to start what I had come here for.

"Fire away" he hummed, leaning back in his chair and studying me.

"Are you good at keeping secrets?" I asked. This caused his curiosity to peek even further, a glint entering his beady eyes, however he just chuckled lightly in response.

"My dear, I have kept many secrets in my life. From allergies to life threatening promises. My quirk makes me unable to forget that I promised you, so I am quite the master at holding these 'secrets'" He chuckled, amused. I gulped, nodding. I was getting extremely nervous.

"I hope you mean what you say, because this could be the end of my life" I said. He stopped chuckling, and leaned forward.

"I swear on my quirk that I will keep your secret" He said. I studied him thoughtfully, before sighing.

"I would tell you, but I think it's easier to just show you" I said, before showing him the folders that I was clutching onto. He slipped it open to find my portfolio. He raised an eyebrow, before skimming through it. He stopped at my quirks, and an expression of realization and then understanding crossed his face.

"I see, you're THEIR child" He said, his voice slightly grim. I nodded, taking back the folder.

"I've been trying to keep it a secret for a long time now, many people would try to get at him through me if they knew" I said. But how could I convince him that my intentions are pure?

"So why did you come to me and my school?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I clenched my fists, returning my gaze to my lap as I mulled over his question. Without a doubt, I felt very relieved. It was a huge and difficult secret to keep, and I'd finally gotten if off my chest, even if it's to one person.

"Sir, I'm going to be blunt with you. There is two reasons why I chose UA, and I have decided to tell you" I said. He nodded to encourage me to continue and I pressed a finger to my lip, frowning slightly. I wasn't used to expressing what was on my chest, and I was still nervous about the whole situation.

"I don't want to rely on anyone, that is a major reason why I hesitated to come here today. I seek protection in a way that UA can teach me what it means to be a hero, so I can stand against my father is the need ever arises" I said. His grin grew at this, and he nodded.

"And the second reason?" He asked.

"I mentioned it before. To beat one of the most powerful villains, I need to become a powerful hero. I want to prove to people that I might have his genes, but I am not the same person as him. I have my own strengths and weaknesses, and disagree with my father's ways" I said, clenching my fists and forcing my self to look away, to hide the absolute anger. However, I could tell that he sensed my anger, and his smile turned soft.

"So what should I do about it, you want me to get you into my school for free?" He smirked. I shook my head thoroughly.

"No, I've already been recommended by a hero I helped one time. What I want you to do is assist me in keeping my quirk hidden until the time comes to show it. It's not an obvious quirk, luckily, but I want everyone to think that I only have 'space jump', and not 'illusion' as well. I will tell everyone eventually, but that is when my point is proven" I said. 

Somehow, his grin grew even larger and he leaned forward, holding out his padded paw.

"You've practically earned your self a spot in my school. That attitude is exactly what I'm looking for. Welcome to UA, Azumi"

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