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-everyone was chilling or doing they own things....until the hearing someone scream and laughing-

Angel: guys I know y'all hear that

Me: yep..but the only ones gone is levi,Hanji,Erwin.

Armin: they probably arguing about something

Sasha: or talking about food*dreams about food*

-with Hanji,levi,and erwin-

Hanji: ok levi I dare u to go where cadets at and stand on a table and scream " I'M A SHORT ASS HELL " then start tweaking

Levi: I hate u ಠ_ಠ

Hanji: love u too ♡´・ᴗ・'♡....oh and we are watching just in case u don't do it >:3

Erwin: damn I feel'PFF' bad for u

Levi: I got u eyebrows

-levi, Hanji&Erwin walk to where the cadets at -

Hanji: go on

Levi: * jumps on top of the table* *clear throat*

Everyone: *stop what they doing*


Erwin&Hanji: pfffft

Everyone else: what?

Hanji:*turn on bubble butt*

Levi:*tweaking like a pro*

Hanji: ayyyyy*throw money*

Erwin: *recording while laughing* I'm ded

Everyone else: wtf ( Armin:freak)

Hanji: *turn off the music*

-The 3 of them walk away-

Everyone: what just happen


- back with Erwin,Hanji,and levi -

Hanji: damn levi dat ass

Levi: stfu....it my turn ERWIN I dare to stand on the table and yell "MY EYEBROWS ARE THE CURE OF HUMANITY.IM CAPTIN AMERICAN"

Hanji: good one *high five levi*

Erwin: jacsjeshjwdbgsh.....ok

- they walk back to the cadets-

Erwin: * get on the table* *clear throat* MY EYEBROWS ARW THE CURE FOR HUMANITY..AND IM CAPTIN AMERICAN

Hanji:*die laughing* I can't breath

Levi:*laughs a little but know he did( keria and angel did but not going to say >:3. Watch out levi we always watching)

Mikasa:  what the fuck is going on...levi tweaking..Erwin yelling....df y'all doing

Levi: Hanji giving us dare to do *le shrug*

Erwin: and we hate*boom*

Levi&Hanji:*laugh so hard they can't breath*

Levi: damn Erwin*laughs* what ur eyebrows been eating*laughs*

Hanji:wait.....LEVI U LAUGHING* hug levi* MAH BABY SHOW SOME EMOTIONS....*cries* I'm so proud

Eren: *dies bcuz of levi laugh*

Me:Ummmmm guys eren just past out

Angel: Welp bye guys :)

AOT Truth or Dare , other stuff, Mini Stories!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora