Part 5: Descendants?!?!

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"If we manage to actually get through these crazy ass paths, I'll be impressed," I call back to Nate who jogs a fair distance behind me.

"Ha! You have no faith that I chose the right path?" he asks and I smirk over my shoulder.

"Absolutely not."

I continue up the stairs where I find the signs for 'VI' and 'III'. "Hey, Nate. Isn't there numerals on that map that belonged to Drake?" I ask and he catches up to me. He unfolds the map and nods his head, "Yeah, for two, five, and seven."

I find a wooden path behind the sign for 'VI', and I follow it back to two signs on the ground. I follow the sign for 'II' and I drop down onto the stone stairs below. I jump across a hole in some wooden planks and take another set of stone stairs up.

"Ohhh, come on," I groan when I reach the top to find swinging lanterns of death. I mutter many profanities under my breath while avoiding the spiky lanterns when I reach a wooden plank marked with the roman numeral for two.

Nate catches up to me and we look around and spot Elena below us. "Hey! We made it!" Nate waves down to her and she looks up.

"Hey, be careful! That thing doesn't look very safe- [NAME]! NATE!" she exclaims as the plank starts to collapse below us. We drop down and I grab onto one edge of the pillar while Nate grabs onto another. We drop down from there onto a wooden bridge and I wave down to Elena with a smile.

"It's all right! We're okay!" I shout down to her before looking at Nate, "We're going to die."

Nate face-palms and we jump onto the wooden path to our left, avoiding the swinging lanterns. We walk forward and into a makeshift elevator that drops down, startling us. I spot a wall with the sign for 'V' on it, making me grin and grab Nate's arm, "Look! There's the sign for five."

We walk over to the wall and Elena joins us a few seconds later. We find gate, but nothing around us to open it. "See if you can find a way to get this gate open. I'll wait here," Elena says while I'm already on the wall and climbing through an opening.

"[Name]! Wait up!" Nathan shouts while quickly climbing onto the wall and joining me. We go to walk over to a chain on our right when something runs across the bridge to our Northwest.

"What the hell?" Nate whispers shakily as the creature that looks like it's crawling makes a large jump and disappears from sight.

"That's kinda like what I saw earlier," I tell him quietly and he looks down at me. "Nate... this place probably has a reason for it being known as a passage to the dead," I frown and his face pales slightly.

"Let's just keep moving," he says and we make our way to a chain with the sign for 'III' behind it. I climb up the chain onto a wooden platform and Nate follows me up. We step onto another makeshift elevator when it drops from underneath us. We tumble out onto the ground and look through the gate to see Elena.

The gate opens and a wooden bridge drops, making me smile nervously. "That was meant to happen?" I say though it sounds more like a question.

"Well, at least it happened," Elena tells me with a smile while joining Nate and I. We lead her across the bridge and to the left where the sign for 'II' directs us. We go to make our way up some stairs when an explosion occurs, making me jump. I whip around in my spot to see Eddy and one of his mercenaries run out of an opening in a tower.

"Hey, bule! Last man alive gets the gold! You lose," Eddy waves to us and another mercenary comes out of the tower.

"Goddammit. How'd they even find this place?" I mutter while shooting the two mercenaries in the head with my pistols. More start to show up around us and Nate pulls out his gun and helps me clear them out. We start to make our way up a few steps and I shoot the guy with a grenade launcher three times in the chest.

A Thief's Journey (Uncharted 1-4 Vairous X F! Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant