'Salfy, can you go and get Ami for me please' I ask.

'Go yourself punchbag' she replies.

Salfy is a pretty odious person.

'Comon you know she won't answer.' I beg', 'Dude I'm watching, your always at me to get her for you'.

'Please Salfy', I said 'I'll do your homework.' Salfy looks at me, calculating, 'Chemistry and History for a month.'

'What no way, just chem.' I exclaim

She stares at me, pinches her lips.

'Please Salfy it's important.' she claps her hands 'Alright deal.'

I breathe a sigh of relief.

Salfy paused the screen on two young guys squaring up for a fight, reminded me of a typical day in my life, although it looked less one sided.

As I waited I calculated the hours of additional homework I'd have to do, I didn't even really like Chemistry. I put my head in my hands despairing, this was probably nothing probably just Fizz trying to mess with me.

Feet slapped rapidly on the stairs and there in a blur appeared Ami.

'What's happening, you ok', Salfy said you're doing her homework for a month, you should have just called or come up'.

That's why I love Ami obvious to the world and how she interacts with it.

She'd gotten changed out of her uniform and was wearing an ancient Star Wars T-shirt and a pair of black jeans.

'Let's go I say' I'm aware I sound slightly manic.

'Where?' she asks, concern in her voice

'Crumbles?' I say quickly grabbing at the first place that comes to mind.

We often go an hang out in nearby Bingfield Park.

It's remarkable because the park is home to Crumbles Castle. It's not a real Castle but rather a children's adventure playground built by a bunch of architecture students. The area was surrounded by residential blocks, but once inside Crumbles you could imagine you'd escaped to another world.

Ami grabs her coat and we head out, it's only a 10-minute walk, but she demands the whole story the second we are out the door.

I tell her, by the time we get to the park she is all caught up.

The entrance gate to Crumbles is wide open, they don't lock it until seven. It's only locked to try and stop vandals. It's pointless, the fence is really easy to climb over, so there is always plenty of graffiti.

There are a few parents with kids but it's pretty quiet at this time of the day.

Normally we'd sit in one of the towers or on the swings if we had the place to ourselves, but with other people there we just grab a bench.

'What do you think?' I ask urgently. She turns and stares at me incredulously, 'processing dude, you just gave me the plot to junior X-Files'

I snigger, Ami's references are great. I instantly feel more relaxed.

'What they did to me was similar to you, no back and no shock though. I spoke to some of the others after, same deal. Scary and weird, but harmless.''

She takes a breath and continues.

'The note, that's gotta be Fizz, that ass, I mean you'd have noticed if it was the doc guy right?'

'I dunno Ami, I was so freaked out, I'm still freaked right now'

'It's been a rough day, how's your face feeling, that eye's bruised up nicely'

I'd completely forgotten about that, I touched my face, it was puffy and sore to touch.

As if my life wasn't complicated enough. I shook my head in frustration.

'That'll be a right shiner tomorrow' she said, 'Maybe that's what made your hearing so good, knocked something into place'

She gave me a big smile.

'Yeah maybe' I said

'Maybe the corridors just got great acoustics or something, maybe they should do music class in there.' We both had a half-hearted chuckle at that one.

Those guys are certainly hardcore nightmares, I hope we don't see them again' says Ami 'and that story about Scarlett Fever seems like total BS.'

I agreed with her on that one.

'I think I'll ask Fizz about it tomorrow, put my mind at rest.' I muse.

'You serious' said Ami ''You know how that's gonna end, right?'.

'I know', I reply 'but I have to find out where that note came from.'

'Well, your funeral kid' she says mimicking Han Solo 'don't worry, I've got your back, I'll collect some teachers to break it up, and I've got a little surprise if need be.'

'Cool, well don't do anything that will get you in trouble', I plead.

She looks at me with disdain.

'Promise me' I plead, she gets up, cocks her head to the side, looks me in the eye, and turns to head off.

That girl, I couldn't get her to do anything and the more I try the more she ignores me.

'You wanna walk round a couple of times, clear your head?' asks Ami

I was super tired; the craziness of the day had really taken it out of me. I ached all over from the beating and my face had properly puffed up by this time.

'I'm good, shattered though, let's just grab some food at the rec and I'm gonna hit the sack, I want to be at my best for tomorrow's kicking', I joke.

It hit's the spot.

She laughs, and we head back to the school.

What do you think to Kai so far?

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