“Lilura how is everything?” One of the witches asked.

“Not well, I’m afraid. My uncle with the Czech accent (very few of our coven came from Czech Republic) has turned the ties of our source of magic. Instead of the sun, they now draw power from the moon.” I replied simply.

“Oh, dear. The time has come upon us at last.” A witch said in a grave tone.

“Indeed it has, we are no match against the power of the moon.” Another witch claimed.

“I agree we need to figure something out. However, we don’t have the luxury of time though.”

The room became full of noise from the different elder witches trying to make a decision on what the next move is going to be. I waited patiently while they talked, but I knew that if they kept this up we would not come to a decision to save us or something along those lines. 

“What if we asked the vampires and werewolves for help?” One small witch said that couldn’t have been more than ten years old.

“Are you crazy, they want us dead and they aren’t very helpful against magic?” A witch with a nasal condition pointed out.

“Yes, but what if it was possible?” The small witch pointed out.

“Besides us, they also want the werewolves gone as well.” The witch with the grave voice said.

“Unless we fulfill the prophecy.” A witch said with a hunched back said.

“No!” All the witches said except for the hunched back witch.

The elders continued to argue and talk about what to do and who to ask for help. So far, nothing has happened. I feel invisible when the elders continue to talk but I understand that they need to figure out our next move. I thought about it, if I took down the spell of Shawn and Alucard forgetting who I am then we could form a plan with the elders to form our attack.

“Elders, may I have your attention please.” I said loudly and nothing.

I tried again but with magic and still nothing. I formed the most powerful spell that I know to get their attention. It scared the elders half to death and the room fell into silence once again.

“Thank you now is there a way to have the vampires and werewolves help us in anyway?”

“Yes.” The witches said in perfect unison.

“Okay, how?”

“Two ways, love over one subject or merging of the two symbols. However if both work then there is a higher chance of winning against the new Cliffhaven coven.”

“How do you merge the two symbols?”

“I only know one way and I don’t recommend it for anyone.”

“I don’t care, just tell me.”

“Death by the hand of a person from the moon coven.”

“That’s it?” I asked surprised since I died by my uncle.

“Yes, the mark with appear in a few minutes if someone did die from a moon coven. They will have the power to draw magic from anything either from the light or the dark and very few things will be able to stop them.”

I was not looking forward to getting the moon on my back; I remembered how much pain I was in when it was the sun. I couldn’t sleep for almost an entire week, until it healed. I could already feel the burning sensation of the moon on my back and how it was moving to where my sun is.

“Can someone explain to me why we hate the vampires and werewolves?”

“Oh, yes the werewolves and vampires blame the original witches for the curses. Vampires can’t function in the sun and werewolves can’t control themselves during a full moon. They thought it was the only way to handle the situation, in some generations we have gotten along with the others but it was a very difficult road to accomplish.” The young ten year old witch explained.

“Okay, then why did my parents die by vampires when Agnes was alive?”

“It wasn’t vampires or werewolves that killed your parents Lilura; it was your uncle with the Czech accent who framed the vampires for all of it. If I’m not mistaken, you are friends with a vampire and werewolf.”

“Yes you would be correct if I didn’t cast the forget me spell. I thought it was the only way to keep Shawn and Alucard safe.” I said while I tried my best to not scream in pain as the moon touched parts of the sun.

“We know. Shawn was a good friend to me when he was still human.” The witch with the smile lines said.

“And Alucard?”

“He was nice once you got past all of the anger and frustration.” The hunched back witch said.

“How is your back, Lilura? Is it burning yet?” One witch asked me.

“Yes, it burns. I’m afraid that once it’s done, I’ll be too powerful to stop.” I confessed truthfully.

“Lilura, we will always be with you. We may not be physically or clearly like now but we will always be there with you every step of the journey. I think it is time you find out about the prophecy and the book.” The young witch said as she hopped off her chair and walked to me. “Ready?”

“I guess.” I said as I grabbed her hand and instantly I felt better. “What did you do?”

“I did nothing Lilura. You were able to suppress the pain and now all of the pain is gone. Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself earlier. My name is Hillary, and I know what it is like to use the forget me spell. I died when I was ten, I had to cast a powerful spell to save our town and coven from destruction and at the time I didn’t have an anchor. I had to erase the memory of me from everyone in our coven. Look how wrong I was at that.” Hillary said.

“I’m sorry, if you were to have an anchor what would it be?”

“It would be a black gorilla named Gus.”

We walked in silence for a few minutes and I was thinking that I have the same anchor that she wanted. We arrived at the third floor special door. The book was still resting on the white bookstand as we entered; it was a tight squeeze with the two of us inside. I touched the book and it started to glow from the pages and I opened to the first page and saw that there were not only words but pictures and diagrams. I was surprised to see how extensive some of the spells are and can be I found the rewind spell with a twist that allows the caster to go back as far as they want instead of only a set time. I continued to flip through the pages until something in me told me to stop.

I started to read the first page of the prophecy and so far I didn’t like it one bit. So much death and suffering, the prophecy talked about Alucard, Shawn and I defeating the new Cliffhaven coven but three people would need to die for the prophecy to be fulfilled. I am not ready to go against the new coven knowing that three of us will have to die; I can not see my life without Shawn or Alucard. Both have their flaws but they know it and try to fix them. I continued to read about the prophecy and the great battle will be in a few weeks.

“Lilura, are you ready to go back?” Hillary asked once I closed the book.

“No, not really but I’m being sent back anyway aren’t I?” I said already knowing the answer.

“Yes, don’t forget that you will be able to see us and we you. I’ll see you next time.” Hillary said as she left the room that we were in.

I started to leave but just as I was about to leave through the entrance, I ran into an invisible barrier. I knew that it was hopeless to try and break through, I went to sit back down on the golden stool as Hillary started to chant some words that I couldn’t understand but I knew that it was an ancient and powerful spell. The light grew brighter and brighter until I was completely blinded. Then nothing, it was complete black.

Witch and the prophecyWhere stories live. Discover now