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You had all of Trump's posters, he was your idol. You had "Make America great again!!" Posted all over your room. You decided to sacrifice an orange to your Trump shrine today, in hopes that you could meet him someday. You went downstairs slowly, it was early so you were careful not to wake your roommate. You went to the orange bowl on the counter, when the TV turned on out of nowhere.
"President Donald J. Trump will be coming to [enter city here] for a meeting with the mayor and a speech! His speech is tomorrow at 5:00 PM."
You almost fainted. You had finally gotten your chance to meet him. You ran back to your room and locked the door. You were going to meet Donny, no matter what.

You packed everything and booked a spot at the hotel near where the speech would be taking place. Tomorrow would be the best day of your life.

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