chapter 4

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Tyrone and Lui were out of of jail and went to school. Tyrone walked in and alot of people were starring at hm. In band Taylor avoided him, in math he sat at his own desk away from everyone, and in P.E. he sat out for football, because no one wanted him on his team." What's going o!" Tyrone said to himself. Tyrone's first race," number 29, Tyrone Ducker." Tyrone still lost the race," sorry guys I couldn't run in JAIL," Tyrone said looking at Collin." Maybe you should run faster you JERK," snarled Taylor. Everyone agreed and Collin snickered in the background. " What did I do," Tyrone asked." Your the worst Tyrone," Xander said. Tyrone went walked home." Hey Tyrone want to play Xbox?" Lui asked. "No,"said Tyrone slamming the door. "Hey let me in!" Lui yelled." Go away," Tyrone said." Hey, I sleep in there too," Lui said. "Go sleep on the couch."

A hour ago, Tyrone ran into Christina." Is it true!" Christina said excited." Yes, no, maybe, absolutely." Tyrone always agreed with her. Tyrone called a call from Collin on the way home," Well, well Tyrone very sad huh." COLLIN, what do you want?" Why do you think know one is talking to you, because of me," Collin gloated." What, DId, YOu, DO!" Tyrone yelled." I told Christina that you were trying to make her jealous, so you tried to make it look like you liked Taylor as a plan, so I know she's got a big mouth, so she texted everyone and eventually it went to Taylor." When I found you Collin, your DEAD!" Ha, I have that on tape, you do something I don't like you go to juvie for a year," Collin explained.Collin hanged up." I got to tell Christina the truth." Tyrone called Christina," Hey Christina, I got to tell you something,"said Tyrone."Anything for you Tyrone, I got you on camera, right now." Um, wow please stop recording me." Tyrone said. "Listen." Yes Tyrone," said Christin with a innocent happy face." I don't, like you." It went quiet. "Christin-TYRONE!!!!" Christina interrupted. Whoa, listen, just calm down," Tyrone said very nervous." NO YOU LISTEN, THE NEXT TIME I SEE YOUR STUPID, HANDSOME FACE, YOU'LL BE IN THE HOSPITAL! Bye Tyronie N cheese," Christina said hanging up. Thats one weird girl",Tyrone said.

Chapter 5 complete so wait tomorrow for chapter 5 maybe 6 and a surprise

Black and whiteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora