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(12:31 pm)

Danny's POV

Rubi had told me to leave her alone until it was break time, and it finally is. I want to break this anger away from her! I want to hold her in my arms and surround her with all of the love I could endlessly give to her, I want us to reconnect our love for each other again! I want her to cuddle up next to me and whisper that she loves me. I just want her back, and I'm gonna get her back!

After the last episode I went all over the office to find her, she wasn't in sight. I asked Suzy if she knew where my little girl went. "She's probably in her van waiting for you, I guess.", she said. "Ok, I'll go out there.", I replied. I headed out towards the front door. I went out to see that the RV was still parked. I sighed, time to hopefully spend time with my little girlfriend.

I saw her on her laptop probably playing something on Steam as soon as I walked in. "Hi, hunny...", I greeted, she didn't pay me no mind. I sat on the bed beside her, I could feel her anger swarming me, it's making me suddenly uncomfortable. "So uh....you wanna do something?", I asked. "Like what, dip shit?", she replied. "Like, we could just hang out in here or...go to lunch.", I responded. "Perhaps we could, I'd think about it if I were you...", she shrugged shutting her laptop down.

I had to ask her about this morning. "Um, Rubia, could I ask you about why you abused me this morning?", I asked. "You already know why. You know I'm still mad at you, it disappointed me deeply that I was punished. It might've seem fair to you, but it wasn't to me.", she hissed. "It was only fair because I knew it---I just knew that you were gonna leave me behind!", I retorted, "That wasn't cool nor was it safe for you to just go out on your own in those dangerous streets. You could've been raped, kidnapped, or worse...DEAD!" "Sure I could've been dead and all those other things you said, but at least those two foreign guys who somehow know me found me and of course, they seemed pretty responsible until you sore losers found me!", she replied. "Well whatever, look, the positive thing is that you've learned something from it, right?", I responded.

"Oh, so you make me work full-time at the hospital, then I give you my unasked permission to use my money for a useless new phone that I didn't ask for at all.", she marveled, "What the hell did you expect me to learn out of this punishment, this grounding for a week?!?! Did you expect me to say that I'll never disobey you ever again, Danny?!? What kind of pity-ass bitch do you think I am??"

"I expected you to know what you did wrong and why it was wrong! And I didn't have to make you apologize to everyone including me, you did it yourself, you wrote it on your last day of working full-time! And you know you're not a bitch for this punishment.", I explained. Before I could say anything else, she slapped me as hard as possible to the floor. She then jumped on me and threw violent punches to my face. I don't understand, why all of a sudden has she become violent?

After she punched me, I covered my face and started crying in great pain, I felt a stream of blood running down from my nose to my lips. She then got up and kicked me in the back as I cried. I couldn't take it anymore, I reached out and grabbed her leg, I threw her down and got up.

"How could you?", I whimpered. "What the fuck do you mean, you pussy?", she replied dusting herself off. "Why would you hurt me when I only punished you out of love?! What did I ever do to you when all I did was love you?!?! How did our love become violent?!!?", I cried, "I love you so much that I would do anything for you!!" Love, a word that is nonexistent due to her domestically violent behavior towards me.

I took the initiative to hug her as close to my chest as possible. "I deeply love you Rubia, and I'll never let you go. I love you from the bottom of my caring heart!", I said. I hope she'll put an end to the abuse she has caused me.

She pushed me back letting go of the hug. "You're pathetic! If I wasn't punished, then you wouldn't be like this at all, but because of that....you get back my revenge!", she growled. She then headed her way out the RV, I guess she needed to calm down.

After she left, I was alone. I then went to the bathroom to cleanse my face that felt hurt. I looked in the mirror, I looked horrifying. One of my eyes were bruised, it wasn't swollen that bad like a black eye would be. The bruises from the slaps she gave were slowly fading. The bloodstream from my nose was dried up.

So I grabbed a washcloth and soaked it with ice cold water. I laid it on my face, feeling the icy bitterness upon it. I then took it and wiped around my bruises and around my "black" eye, then I wiped the dry blood off my nose and lips. I sighed sadly as I rinsed the cloth and hung it up to dry.

I should confess this to Arin, Suzy, and everyone else. I want their help to stop Rubi from abusing me. I just want my sweet little girlfriend back. Please, for the love of God, I want her back!

Anti-You (Epilogue to "Missing At Midnight")Where stories live. Discover now