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Arin's POV

I can't wait for Rubi's return, I'm excited to see my little friend again. "When will she get inside?", Ross asked. "Whenever she's ready, Ross, just give her some time.",  I reply. Just a minute later, both her and Danny came in. "Well well well, if it isn't that baby grump girl!", I greeted. "Rubia, you're back!", Barry said cheerfully. "Last week felt like forever, but thank God you're back!", Suzy exclaimed, she came to give that little girl a hug.

"We've missed you all this week, sweetie.", I said. Rubia looked up to me with a somewhat evil look. "What did you guys do while I was away?", she questioned. "Oh just the usual....w-well Dan and I played a new game.", I reply shyly, her expression scared me a little. "It was pretty cool, babe.", Danny comments. "And luckily we're playing more of it today, and since you came back, she deserves to edit today's episode!", I said. "Great.", she said in a bleak tone, something must be off about her today. She hurried to her desk and layed her head down.

I looked up to Dan and noticed some oddly visible red blotches on his face.  "Um Dan, what happened to you?", I asked. "Oh...I er....f-fell off the ladder this morning while I was....u-um, fixing our roof.", he replies, he must be lying, the evidence is within those red marks. "Well you look like you're bruised pretty bad, could I get you some ice?", I asked. "N-no thanks Arin, I'll be okay.", he answered.

I look back at Rubi and she looks like she's angrily typing something. What's wrong with her? " Dan, is your girl ok?", I asked. "Um, yeah....she just er, h-had a bad day yesterday. She'll be fine.", Dan shyly replied.

I'm seriously worried about those two, I don't want their relationship to go downhill. "Listen Dan, if something's going wrong between you and Rubi.....please, just come talk to me. You know Suzy and I are here for the both of you.", I explained, then Dan hugged me gratefully. "Thank you, Arin.", he whispered.

Ross's POV

Something is definitely wrong with Rubia, she's hard to figure out like Danny said. I decided to go up to her and talk. "Hey, glad to have you back, shortie...", I said. "What do you even want, Ross?", she muffled. "Well....to be honest I... I-I wanna know what's up with you.", I reply. She then raised her head. "Listen, Danny just explained what happened to him with those red marks on his face, you know he's not okay now, but he will later. I'm not okay, and that's fine with me.", she explains.  Is she sick? I think she's ill. She sounds like it to me.

"Are you sick?", I asked. "Maybe....I just don't feel too good today, I'm not in the mood for anything.", she replied. "Well, what has gotten you into this sudden mood, Rubi?", I asked. "You don't wanna find out until later. And besides, I woke up feeling this gloomy way, I'd rather not worry about it if I were you.", she answers.

It'd be best to leave her alone for right now, she'll be okay soon. I actually hope she isn't doing anything stupid to Danny. "I guess I'll talk to you later on today....", I shyly said, she didn't reply back so I walked away.

Anti-You (Epilogue to "Missing At Midnight")Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя