"well I wanted more people to buy them without really struggling to get them and we still make a big profit"Amanda says

"that's cool"I say as I get a text

"it's Ricki I have to go"I say as I head out

when I get to the room she is wrapped up in blankets like a burrito

"hey beautiful" I say and she tiredly smiles at me

"hey babe"she says and scoots over so I can lay next to her

I wrap my arms around her and her scent fills my nostrils

"I love you" I say as I kiss up and down her neck

"I love you to"she says and nuzzles into me

"Are you ready for your last show?" I ask

"yeah, I think Tiffany is going to have to wheel me around this time, Amanda isn't very stable with anything that has wheels"Ricki says and giggles

"how dou you feel?" I ask as I rub her swollen tummy

"our little peanut has been kicking like crazy since you got in here, especially when you talk"she says and places her hand over mine

I place my ear to her tummy and I can feel the light kicking. I can't help but smile.

"I can't wait to meet you little one" I say

"I can't wait to wear skinny jeans again" she says and I laugh

"you look beautiful no matter what, plus these dresses give me easy access"I say and she blushes

"I feel like I can roll away"she says and rubs her tummy

"I kiss her baby bump and she places her hands on my head and runs her fingers through my curls

"I love you both"I whisper

I look up at Ricki and she is looking at me with pure love

I crawl up to her and kiss her on the lips

"I can't wait to make you my wife"I say

"I can't wait for you to be mine forever" She says

"I've always have been"I whisper

Luke's POV

I walk in the room and Amanda is singing a song that I've never heard before

I peak around the corner and she has her pencil in hand and is writing as she goes

I slowly sit behind the wall and listen

I love when I catch her writing songs

she gets into this zone and she blocks everything out

I just wish she shared them

I know that she has dozens of songs that she has written but she has never showed anyone

her voice makes my heart beat faster and I close my eyes as I listen to her words

I know I shouldn't feel like this but I like when she makes songs when she's sad

they have a stronger meaning and they help her feel better

we have been together for a few months but I have loved her more each day

she isn't as happy as people think she is but she isn't sad enough for it to cause worry

she is just more sensitive to the world around her and that is why her songs are so great

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