last escape

81 5 1

Ricki's POV

"stop screaming"Amanda says



I look up and Amanda is sitting up on the stretcher

"AMANDA" I scream and run to her

"you're not dead?" I ask

"no" she says and laughs

"but but you shot yourself" I say confused

Amanda unzips her jacket that she's wearing and I see  a bullet proof vest underneath

"I wanted to prepare myself,

and well I bullshited the situation and now im going to have a big bruise for a while"Amanda says and laughs

I just hug her tightly

"you're a fucking ass hole, you know that right?" I ask and laugh

"yea, but it worked"Amanda says

they pull her away and I hug Ashton with relief

"well today was interesting" Ashton says with a chuckle

"im going to talk to the police how about you both go to the hospital"Harry says

we agree and go

when we get there a lot of people are in the front


word really does travel fast

we make it up the walk way and I prepare myself

"is Amanda dead?"

"did Amanda commit suicide? "

"did Harry Styles kill Amanda?"

"how is she doing ?"

"did you know that Amanda was suicidal? "

"is Ireland going to break up after this?"

"do you know who shot Amanda?"

"are you okay?"

"did she really risk her life for you?"

"was she murdered? "

we walk through the doors and a woman comes up to us

"Hello I am Alice,

Amanda is in good care and doing perfectly fine,

she is slightly dehydrated but that wasn't from the accident" Alice says and I nod

she motions us to follow her and we are taken up the elevator and down a hallway

we walk in a room and I see Amanda

she is sitting up on her bed and eating pudding

this little fucker just gets shot and she his happily eating fucking pudding

only Amanda

"hey" Amanda says and waves at us with her spoon

"for someone who just shot herself , you seem to be doing well" I say

"I didn't shoot myself well I did but the bullet just pushed me very hard, it didn't break the skin" she says

"you are still stupid" I say

"I never claimed I was smart" Amanda says

"true, now scootch"I say as I sit on her bed

Ashton sits on the chair next to me and I sigh

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