3 | Hurtful Memories

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Spinner's End

Cokeworth, England

November 1st, 1981

          Severus Snape sat in the sitting room of his home in Spinner's End wondering about his life. After the incident with the Marauders in 5th year, where he had called Lily a mudblood in the heat of the moment, he had felt useless. Of course, that hadn't lasted long, as Poppy would've never let him harbour such thoughts. Poppy was like a mother to him, the only person in the world who had seemed to care when his life had gone so horribly wrong. She is the only support he has, and he is forever thankful for it.

Thanks to her, he didn't become a Death Eater; never joined Voldemort, never ran to Albus Dumbledore for help, never became a spy for the light, and never had to deal with all the heartache that path could have caused. Instead, he had graduated from Hogwarts and left to Spain to complete his apprenticeship and become the youngest Potions Master in over a decade. He had recently moved back, after spending most of his time living in Madrid and the rest travelling around the United Kingdoms learning more about potions and magic overall. 

Currently, he wasn't sure what he wanted to do with his life. Poppy had asked him to come back to Hogwarts and apprentice as a medi-wizard under her, and eventually become her partner. She claimed the castle was awfully dull without her baby boy there; he still blushed each time she called him that. 

He had accepted, of course. He didn't have anything else to do after all, but he still wondered about other aspects of his life. He was still young, and not that bad looking either, so he hoped that one day he would find his soulmate.

He still cursed the Fates for being born with polso vuoto, a condition in which the infant is born with a blank wrist and the only way for them to find their soulmate would be to randomly meet them. Oh, but that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that he wouldn't know if said person, who also happened to have polso vuoto, would be his soulmate until they kissed, making the search ten times harder and more infuriating.

It wasn't as if he could meet every person in the world who had polso vuoto and kiss them, 65% of the wizarding population in England alone had polso vuoto. The search for one's soulmate was like searching for a needle in a haystack. Nearly non-existent, but not impossible. 

All he wanted was to be able to start a family, much like his old friend Lily had done. Don't get him wrong, Lily had always been like a sister to him and he would always regret the incident that had driven them apart. He had let his temper overwhelm him when Lily's soulmate and his friends had hung him over his head, but if he had anything to say about it he wouldn't let his temper control him. 

Never again.

St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries

November 1st, 1981

          It was on the afternoon of this day that Sirius Black's life began to turn again. The head medi-wizard had warned him that he should take it easy for the rest of his days, for his lungs had suffered major damaged and would now be reasonably weakened. 

At least he could skip physical ed, he had the official doctor's note for his condition; chronic bronchitis which is a form of COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which causes his bronchial tubes, which carry air to his lungs, to get infected and swollen. The medi-wizard explained he would always have a nagging cough and a lot of mucus. To put it simply, he would have difficulty breathing and could end up coughing up blood; thought the medi-wizard had been adamant about the fact that it was 'nothing serious'. 

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