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Privet Drive, Little Whinging

August 1st, 1980

          Arriving at the main street entrance of Privet Drive, Nicolas began his walk down the sidewalk, skipping lightly along the way. He was really doing it, the plan was finally taking action, he was almost bursting with excitement.

It was still early in the morning, dawn was far from near and the night sky twinkled still with stars. He knew that young Harry had been where he was left for more than 2 hours now.

As he approached Number Four he noticed what appeared to be a woven basket laying on the doorstep of the small suburban home. He found it quite silly that all the houses in the street looked almost identical, if not for a few changes to colours and gardening choices. Honestly, muggles could be so very bland at times. As he got closer he noted that it was a likely conjured basket and in it lay a small bundle wrapped in warming charms. It did sadden him so to see that the newborn had only been dropped off at a stranger's doorstep, but be that as it may, it made the job simpler for him.

"Hello, lil' Harry!" Nicolas said joyfully, placing a silencing and notice-me-not ward around them; it would do no good to be seen or heard by any of the residents.

Harry Potter stared up at the stranger with wide emerald eyes full of curiosity; as Nicolas leant down to pick him up, lil' Harry raised his chubby arms in agreement.

Nicolas chuckled to himself as he held Harry close to his chest, cradling his delicate head carefully, "Well, aren't you something? You'll do Tom Riddle some good, I'm sure of it."

He leant down and placed the newborn back into the basket. Standing upright, he took out his wand and levitated the basket to hover a few feet, he made sure to hold on to it as he spun in place and apparated back to the Manor.

Flamel Manor

August 1st, 1980

          Perenelle sat in the sitting room reading her book as she heard the sharp 'CRACK' of apparition go off in the entrance hall followed by the familiar call of her soulmate, "Honey, I'm home!"

She sat by the fireplace as he entered the sitting room, a basket hovering beside him. She stood up to greet them, placing a leather bag she had packed with essentials on the coffee table. She had been looking through it to make sure it was ready before her husband arrived. Meeting them in the centre of the room, she beamed at the sight of the newborn. "May I hold him?"

"Of course you may, my love!" Nicolas exclaimed as he chuckled in delight, he took the newborn from the basket and gently placed him into his wife's waiting arms.

Perenelle sighed wistfully as she gazed down at the infant, she whispered lovingly, "He's gorgeous."

"Indeed, he is," Nicolas agreed as he observed them. Turning to the doorway, he explained, "I'll get the spell ready, make sure to dress him up in a cute lil' outfit and give him a warm bottle as I prepare."

Perenelle nodded and watched as Nicolas turned the rest of the way and proceeded to skip out of the room. She wasted no time in reverting her attention to the newborn in her arms, her and Nicolas had never been able to have children and knowing that she would soon be raising the infant as her own, be that in the past, made her heart warm with joy and love.

She wiped a few stray tears and swiftly got Harry dressed in a white, cotton long-sleeved bodysuit and brown overalls. She cooed at the sight of him, he looked absolutely adorable. Standing him up on her lap, she laid him in the crook of her left arm and fed him a warm bottle with her right. Once she had finished feeding him, she burped him and placed him in the basket. With a swish of her wand they were up and headed out of the room and down the stairs.

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