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The next morning, I woke up to the doorbell chiming. I forced my eyes open and looked at my alarm clock. 10:39. Oh my god, I'm late for rehersal!

I literally tumbled out of bed and changed as fast as I could. I didn't bother to do anything with my hair and grabbed a jacket. . I almost jumped down the stairs and tugged my jacked over my arms and I opened the door.

"Where have you been," Niall yelled as I left the house. I closed the door and locked it.

"Sorry, I overslept," I said, begining to yawn. Niall and I walked to the Jeep and I leaped into the left side. Louis leaned forward and smiled as Niall backed out of the driveway. My stomach ached really bad from vomiting last night. I haven't puked like that in weeks.

The ride to the stadium was strangly quiet. Niall and Liam tried starting small talk from time to time, but it never really sprouted into a conversation. It was really disterbing. We arived, changed, and went to stage with few words between the five of us. Kenton didn't really chew us out for being late, but he still wasn't too thrilled with us.

"Okay, lets do 'Gotta be you' just to be sure we have that routine down," he said after we got our mics hooked up. I walked to stage right and Liam began the first verse, like he does in almost every song. I sang after he finished his part. But my voice didn't sound right. I had to work harder to hit the same notes. It hurt my throat after the first few words, but I somehow made it through the song. The band finished their notes and that was the end of the song. Kenton began clapping and I coughed really hard into my arm.

"Harry, you okay?" he asked. I nodded, catching my breath. Kenton grabbed a water bottle and tossed it to me. I caught it and popped the top open, swallowing a large gulp of it.

"You okay Haz?" Louis asked. I nodded and took another gulp and tugged on my jacket sleeve. My throat felt like it was burning.

"Ready to keep going?" Kenton asked. I nodded and traded my water bottle for a microphone. Throughout the rest of rehersal, I tried my best to get the routines right. But I was unbalanced and I had to strain my voice really hard to get the notes. I was physically exausted.

"Okay, not bad boys. Your first performance is tomarrow in L.A. Don't do anything stupid and I will see you boys in L.A." Kenton said, wrapping up rehersal. We said goodbye and Liam, Zayn, and Niall raced to the dressing room. I was about to take off after them when Louis grabbed my shoulder.

"Can we talk?" Louis asked.

"We are, bye," I said, turning to run. But Lou had a tight grip on my shoulder.

"Harry, I don't think you should go on tomarrow." I turned to him in shock.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because you aren't... you. You're weak and tired and I don't think it would be a good idea for you to go on tomarrow." We stood there in silance for a little bit. Lou took his hand off me and placed it in his pocket.

"I'll rest up tonight, I'll be fine for tomarrow Lou. Don't worry about me." I turned from him and walked to the dressing room. I heard Louis' footsteps behind me, but I ignored them. I had to go on tomarrow. Why couldn't Louis get that? He knows hom much One Direction means to me.

When I opened the door to the dressing room, I ran into Liam. Literally, our heads banged into eachother and I fell back into the doorframe.

"Ouch Harry," Liam said, rubbing his forehead. Louis came up behind me and lead me into the dressing room.

"You are really slow today Harry," Zayn said with a smile. I gave him a smile back as he close the door. I turned my back to Louis and unbuttoned my shirt, remembering that I had no undershirt on today.

"Harry, I'm just trying to help you," Louis said as I pulled on a t-shirt. I grit my teeth, but said nothing.

"Please talk to me," Louis said pitifully. I felt bad and turned to him. He was sitting on the floor, tying his shoe.

"Sorry Lou," I mumbled. He looked up at me and the look on his face made me want to cry. "I really am, but I can handle myself."

"Obviously you can't." I folded my arms over my chest as he stood up.

"I'm sorry?"

"Haz, you cut and are anerexic. You need help, okay? I'm scared for you and I want you to be happy."

"I am happy."

"No you're not. You're miserable and you know it." I turned from him, grabbed a jacket and left the dressing room. My stomach growled loudly and I slapped it, making the cuts on my stomach burn.

"Shut up!" I grumbled to myself. I kicked open the back door furiously and jumped into the Jeep that was waiting for me. I leaped into the left side and didn't look at the guys that were staring at me. My head was throbbing and Zayn gave me a light nudge.

"What's wrong Haz?" he asked. I leaned my head into Niall's seat and shook my head. The Jeep shook as Louis jumped in and we drove off. Their was a tention that hovered  over the Jeep on the way home. I didn't care what Louis said, I was going on tomarrow. And not even he was going to stop me.

Taking the Wrong Directionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें