The Bus

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I sat with my head against my window, staring out into the gray day. Rain streaked across the glass, distorting the lights of the city. I sat with my headphones on. Lost in my thoughts and idly listening to music. Then I caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of my eye. He was cute, nothing too special. He had dark hair like mine, cut short and dyed blue on the tips. And striking blue eyes that were nothing like my gray ones. I didn't believe in love at first sight. This was infatuation if anything. Still, I wondered about him. He sat with his earbuds in and stared out the window. Lost in his own thoughts. I stared at him for a moment, then looked away. I shook my head and went back to staring out the window at the rain.
He was there the next day too, and the next, and the next. He must get on before me and get off after me. I always see him in the same spot, with his earbuds in, staring out the window. Occasionally, he'd look over in my direction. I'd always turn my head away before he could see me. Maybe one day I would actually talk to him. I chuckled to myself. I was far too shy for that. I just hoped he'd notice me, even once, and maybe try to strike up a conversation.
Each day, I sat a little closer to him. Always on the other side of the bus though. Each day I considered talking to him. But the bus ride was too short and I always ended up getting off before I worked up the courage and having to start all over again the next day.
One gray day, like the day I had first seen him, he didn't come on the bus. I figured he was sick or had the day off or something. He wasn't there the next day or the next. Each day for the next three weeks I stepped on the bus, hoping to see him, but to no avail. I gave up hope eventually. It had been a month and I hadn't seen him. It's probably for the best, I thought, stepping off of the bus and into the warm spring day. I walked home, my head hung low. I wondered why I had let the thought of him consume my days. He probably had a girlfriend, or a wife, or was gay or something, These thoughts helped me. Thinking he would never have been interested in me anyway, even if he was still here.
Eventually, I let go. He was just a crush that I saw on a bus one time who probably didn't even like me back. I had never liked him that much anyway.
It had been months since I'd seen the boy. But, as I sat with my head against the window and my headphones on, like every day, I saw him in my periphery. He was there, back in his normal spot. My breath stopped for a moment and my heart beat a little faster. The tip of his hair was red now. His blue eyes seemed to shine a little brighter. He looked different, but still the same. I didn't see a ring on his finger, negating the chance he had gotten married and been on his honeymoon or something. That was one of my theories at least. I pulled my headphones down to my neck and turned off my music. As the bus was at a light, I stood up and began to walk over to him. I could see his features better up close. I noticed his blue eyes had a burst of gold around the center and that his dark hair had highlights of brown and blond. I walked over to him. He looked surprised as I approached him and took out his earbuds, "Um, is this seat taken?" I asked, trying to act cool and composed.
He stared at me for a moment. He was confused and I didn't know why, "Uh, sorry I, I don't usually do this but-" I trailed off, "I guess what I'm trying to say is, I've seen you on the bus everyday and-"
He cut me off. With a choked voice and a slight twinge of fear behind his eyes he said, "You can see me?"

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