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I got tagged by MusicalHufflepuff ... So here ya go!

1. What's your favorite Christmas Tradition?
My cousins and my grandparents come over on Christmas Eve and we play games and stuff. It's awesome and we have tons of fun.

2. What's a hobby that most people wouldn't guess about you?
Uhm, I don't know... I love to sing, but anyone that knows me knows that's a hobby of mine... I guess writing poetry. Most people don't expect that.

3. Are you a morning person?
Sorta. I wake up really early on weekdays to go to a church class at 5:45. Other than that it depends on the day. Sometimes I stay up late and then sleep in past noon, other times I wake up by 6:00ish. It just depends.

4. Do you sing in the shower?
All. The. Time. I love to sing and the shower has great acoustics 😂  I will sing anytime, anywhere, not even kidding.

5. Have you ever been kissed?

6. Have you ever found your name on a Coke bottle?
I've honestly never really looked to find it. 

I don't know who to tag so I'll just leave it at that... Sorry.

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