Chapter 1

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It was a brisk morning. You woke up and dragged yourself out of your bed.

As you got up you groaned because you remembered that you were now a junior in high school. You hated school because of all the dumbasses that always bother you. Cause they're to fucking stupid to even do a simple math problem.

You walked into the bathroom and got ready. You put on some makeup but not a lot. You put on some mascara along with some lip tint. You weren't that type of person to wear layers and layers of makeup to school.

You quickly did your hair and walked out. You looked through your closet and pulled out your outfit that you had planned out last night. You walked over to the side of your bed and put on black socks and put on your shoes.

(I changed the old outfit since it was ugly)

You sighed and grabbed your backpack which was also black

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You sighed and grabbed your backpack which was also black. No surprise there.

You walked out of your house with an apple in hand and your car keys in the other. You got into your car and made your way to school. Your car wasn't anything special it was an old classic, can you guess which color, Range Rover.

You arrived at school and parked your car

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You arrived at school and parked your car.

You threw the core of your apple into the trash can and made your way inside. You opened your backpack and took out your schedule.

'Room 210, U.S AP history'

You thought as you walked around the halls trying to find your dumb class.

As you walked down the halls you saw people carrying a shit ton books. Your school doesn't have lockers in the hallways like most high schools do.

You got to room 210 and walked in.

'Sit where ever you'd please' was written on the white board in front of the class.

You looked at the seats and saw one open seat in the back and rushed over to it. You were two seats away when someone sat in the seat.

"Should've moved faster." She said.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the seat by the window. It was in the middle of the row but no one sat to my left since there was a wall there.

I sat down and took off my backpack and took out my phone. I had a text message from my idiot friend saying she lost her schedule. I just replied with an 'idiot' and locked my phone. It was about 7:58 and the bell was about to ring. I put my head down and waited for hell to start.

A few minutes laters the bell rang and in came the teacher. Behind him was a fairly tall guy that had black hair and a beanie. He had a flannel and hoodie on underneath. The teacher introduced him to the class and told him to go sit wherever he'd like.

His eyes scanned the room for a seat. The only seat that was available was the seat next to me. As he walked to his seat every girl and or guy looked at him. He got to his seat and sat down. I looked at him then quickly looked away.

About and hour passed and class was about to end. The teacher had given us free time until the bell rang. The girl that took my seat earlier approached the guy next to me. Her name is Sage Warren. The biggest bitch I have.ever. met.

"do you want to hang out later?" Sage said as she sat on top of the table and looked at him.

The guy just looked at her really confused.

"you don't want to hang out with someone like me?" She asked in a girly voice.

He just looked at her more confused then before.

I stood up and looked at her.

"He clearly doesn't understand you." I said as I put on my backpack.

"Shut up" was all she said. I just looked at her and walked out of class. The bell hadn't rang but there was about a minute left.

I walked back to my car to leave my history book that I had gotten. As I locked my car door I saw the guy from my class. I walked up to him.

"so where did you move from?" I asked as I put my hands in my jean jacket.

"uhhhh..korea." He said.

I just nodded my head.

"can I see your schedule?" He looked at me confused.

"That, can I see it." I said as I pointed to the paper in his hand. He handed me his schedule.

1. U.S AP History
2. Art 1
3. Algebra 3
4. Shelter English 1
5. AP Bio
6. Free

"Huh. We have every class together except periods 3 and 4."

He just looked at me.

"Can you understand me"

"uh.m-my..english not..very..g-good."

I nodded.

"Come on I'll can take you to class."

"what?" He asked.

"follow me." I said.

He followed close behind me.


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! It's here I hope you guys enjoyed and don't worry I'm planning on updating this book every week so get ready.

Thank you for reading.


Chapter 2
Coming soon...

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