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Ahhh!! We made it to 30!!!! I don't see how you love my cringy book but I thank you all for liking it!! Now onto the story

It was a was a new year meaning I had to go back to school. So I get up do my normal routine and head downstairs to be greeted by my happy dad.

"Good morning sunshine" he says happily "morning" I say and look at the clock "I need to go now bye!" I yell and dash to the door.

As I was slowly jogging to school I was thinking of pick up lines that I could say to Richie since he says them to me all the time. And I've come up with some great ones!!

At school~

"Richie!!" I yell in the hallway to see my four eyed pervert turn around "Y/n!!" He yelled back and we ran to each other like its been forever when really its been one day

"Richie I've got something special for you!" I say as we hug "Ooo what is it?" He asks looking scared to know "I got pick up lines for you that I made myself!" I say sounding proud of myself

"Oh I'd like to hear" he says letting go "if i were a gardener I'd put our Tulips together" I say and he blushes like crazy "why not now" he says connecting our lips making me shocked but soon kissed back.

After that he smirked then said "are you a mirror? Cause I can see myself inside you" I felt my face heat up and I think I turned a dark shade of red. "Richie what the hell!!" I yelled I wanted to punch him but I loved him to much

"What?" He says acting like nothing happened "Richie why do you do this to me" I say as the bell rings "get to class mister!" I say to Richie and walk away


After a few hours me and Eddie were in art class...again....

"Need help you look like your struggling" I say "no I'm not I can sculpt a bear by myself without you messing it up" he says continuing what he's doing

I was doing the sketch while he was doing the actual fun part. "Its nice to see you two gotten better" the teacher says walking by "am I supposed to be offended or something.." I say watching as she walks away

"Yea look at your art before" Eddie says and I throw my eraser at him "ow.." He says rubbing his cheek "have you seen your before work to? I mean come on" I say and he looks angry now

"You'll pay!" He yells "what are you gonna do tell momma on me" I say realizing Richie is starting to get to me "I'm sorry" I say quickly as the bell rings

"Sit down the Bell doesn't dismiss you I do" the teacher says and were forced to sit back down "now I need these done by Friday" "yea yea" a student says "ok leave" the teacher says and I was the first one out

It was time for lunch and I was walking with bev to lunch..

We sat at our normal table and Richie just happened to spill his milk, not on any of us though "Richie this is why we can have nice things" I say handing him a stack of napkins

"Dude you got it on my book" Stan says "no one cares look at the table!" Eddie practically yells "the table is fine now calm down" I say to Eddie "you guys need to be more quite your distracting others" the teacher says

"What how its lunchtime!?" Bev asks and we all look at her confused next thing we know a trash can just happened to be thrown across the cafeteria

I looked the teacher dead in the eyes "oh so were distracting aye?" I say and she looked away then walks to the scene

"H-hey g-g-guys?" Bill asks "yes?" Ben asks "have any o-of you n-noticed anything w-weird?" He asks "like what?" "L-like how k-kids keep d-disappearing" he says and we all nod slowly

"Maybe we should all meet after school" Richie says "ok" we all say and continued the rest of the boring day

This chapter is cringy at least to me but I have bad writers block right now so what ya gonna do? Anyways see what happens next!

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