
"Why?" He asked while getting up.

In the middle of our conversation Mayah woke up so he's making his way to get her.

"Just asking."

"Okay." He said looking at me before walking out the room.

I looked at Obeca as he just laid on my chest and slept. Breastfeeding is all good until he start gripping and scratching my chest. I literally have little scratches all over my breast right now because of him.

"You want to try for another child?" Simba asked getting back in the bed with Mayah.

"I was really just asking."

"Bry come on. Don't start being secretive towards me."

"I'm not but what do you want for dinner tonight?" I asked not really wanting to go there with him.

"Momma said she taking us out." He said lifting Mayah up. "You got her out here look like she straight off soul train. Looking like she belong in the 90s, got my baby looking like she got a whole carton of oil all over her head." He said causing me to just look at him.

"Shut up." I said said finally sitting up. "You look homeless but you don't see me coming for your life." I said getting out the bed.

I laid Obeca on his changing table which caused him to move.

"You married this homeless looking man."

"No, I married a well put together man. I guess things change over the years." I said receiving a slap to the butt.

"You wasn't calling me homeless looking when I had you unable to speak." He said kissing my neck.

He walked out the room and I looked down at a Now woke Mekonnen.

"You dad is annoying." I said putting his new diaper on.

Mekonnen looked at me for a moment before turning his head.

"Don't talk about me to my son woman." Simba said walking back in the room with ice cream.

"So what makes you and Mayah think y'all about to eat ice cream? Y'all better eat all of y'all dinner tonight." I said laying Mekonnen in the bed while I went to the closet to get Simba and my outfit out for tonight.

I'm eat my dinner and my dessert. Are you?"

"Stop talking sexual in front of the kids."

"They don't know what I'm talking about."

"Stop it." I said looking at him as I laid our outfits out.

"Okay, I'm done."

"Just nasty." I said walking out the room.

Once I got the kids outfits out and made sure their diaper bag was packed. I went to take over with the kids so Simba can take his shower and get dress.

While Simba was in the shower I got the kids ready and even pumped by the time he was ready.

"You take longer to get dress then drag queens." I said looking at him as he walked into the living room.

"You not about to try and come for my life."

"You shouldn't have came for Mayah and Obeca lives." I said walking to the room.

The shower is my piece of mind. Like Xayvion has the kids and I just get to relax for a few minutes. I never thought being a stay at home mom would be so ugh. I guess it has more to do with the fact that while one child is progressing the other is moving backwards.

"Baby, Momma will be here in about 15 minutes." Simba said through the door.

I made the 15 minutes work just enough to where all I had left to do was put my shoes on and fix my hair by the time she arrived.

"Aww I missed my grandbabies." She said causing Simba to turn his nose up.

"You sound old."

"Shut up." She said before hugging me. "Y'all better? You know since y'all child free weekend." She asked looking between the both.

"Yeah." I said picking up Mayah.

"Somewhat." Xayvion said causing me to look at him.

"Somewhat?" I questioned as we walked out the house.

"Yeah somewhat. We was doing good and then today you asked me about another child and then when I asked if that's what you want you just beat around the bush even more."

"I said I was just asking. I wasn't beating around the bush."


"Okay, lets go have dinner and enjoy each other." Momma said as we strapped the kids in.

From the look Xayvion giving me, I can tell he didn't believe anything I just said.

This is about to be a long dinner.

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